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"What is this about?"

"The hospital is hosting the Global Medical Council's Annual Conclave this year, I wanted to talk about the same."

"When is it?"

"In 3 months, but since the scale is grand, Badepapa wanted us to start preparing beforehand."

"Will it be just the accommodation or venue as well?"

"That will depend on your quotation."

"Is it H&H needing Paradise or Paradise needing H&H?"

Geeta asked with a slight smirk, making Dev look at the former in amusement whereas Devansh slightly faltered at her question.

The clear pride in her tone was enough to tell them the extent of her confidence in the empire that she has molded Paradise into, but Devansh wasn't a newborn in the business world either, he knew how to get his way into and out of things just as easily as breathing.

"Geeta, need is a word which is least suitable for either of our businesses, given the scale it is standing at. When I said it depends on the quotation I meant to find a win-win situation for both the parties."

Devansh said with a very innocent expression as Geeta looked at him in amusement whereas Dev simply sighed at his brother's shamelessness.

"It's getting late, you guys can talk later in a more official setting, I believe?"

"Sure. I'll have my Executive Secretary contact yours to set up a suitable date and time, but I doubt that will be in London since my itinerary is pretty full."

"No worries, since the plan is still in progress and I kind of gave Paradise a head-start because of my preference."

Devansh said the last part quickly and flashed a cheeky grin before running away with Aarav sleeping soundly in his arms.

"This brat...Alright, thanks for dropping off the kids. I hope they weren't a handful."

"Mika was as usual but Rav is a very sweet boy, everyone already adores him. In fact, we are worried the girls are going to spoil him as well."

"That would be great actually, he is too uptight for his age, and I'm afraid he will age even more quickly than me."

Dev said it with a sigh and after a brief pause, Dev and Geeta chuckled softly in amusement. 

"I'll get going first."

"Sure. Did you have your dinner yet?"

"They packed it up for me, I'll have it back at home. Oh, right... Mom and Divya Ma packed some of the kids' favorites as well, hold on a second."

Geeta said as she hurried to the other side of her car and opened the co-passenger seat, quickly retrieving a bag.

Walking back to Dev she looked at his already full hands and sighed.

"I'll walk to the gazebo and drop off the bag."

"Thank you and, sorry for the trouble."

"You don't have to be so formal."

"I'm used to it."

"Then I guess you'll have to get used to not saying thank you to me, I'm not a fan of thank yous."

Geeta said with a shrug and Dev nodded with a slightly embarrassed smile before the duo with Madhumika in Dev's arms walked to the gazebo, where the chatter stopped seeing the duo approach them.

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