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Aradhana nodded her head lightly, reluctance and resignation clear in her face which confused even Dev, who took pride in being able to guess what went in his family's head without them telling.

"Okay Badima, now tell me what are Ma and Bua Ma up to?"

"They... *sigh* Never mind, come have your breakfast before going to the hospital."


"Fine. Those two are preparing shagun for your Roka or to be exact Geeta's gifts."


"What Badima-Badima? You asked I told."

Aradhana said in annoyance as Dev looked at her in resignation and defeat, unable to find the right words.

"Badima, aren't you guys going too fast? We haven't even..."

"Dev... You like Geeta right? Tell me truthfully."

"Badima, how can you expect me to decide after just an hour's worth of chat?"

"When it is the right person, just a glimpse is enough, Dev."

"Badima... I'll be frank. I like her, but she has to like me back as well, which I'm actually skeptical about because..."

"Dev since when did you start doubting yourself like this?"

Aradhana asked with a frown not fond of the idea of her son doubting himself like this.

Though he might not be her biological son, she still treated him as one and would never allow him to doubt himself, because he is nothing less than the brightest star out there, whatever might the world say.

"Badima, I'm not doubting myself but think about it... Geeta, she... How do I put it?... She is a businesswoman, a very successful and headstrong at that."

"I believe she would want her husband to be at the least from the same field of expertise as her if not at the same position like hers... someone who will understand her point of view but..."

Dev voiced out his side of reasoning with a soft smile as Aradhana stopped him in between by placing her hand gently on his shoulder.

"Dev, if you ask me it's all in your head. As far as I deduced Geeta, she is a wise woman who sees beyond the materialistic world."

"It's true. She might be dealing with all the materialism every day and it is very different from your life & death world.

"But it is because of this very reason that we all think you both will balance out each other well and as a clever businesswoman she'll see it as well."

Aradhana finished with a soft smile as she looked at Dev with a warm motherly look full of reassurance, while her heart was brimming with joy.

After all her son had given his indirect confirmation by admitting that he liked Geeta, and now the only thing left was a confirmation from the side of Varadhans.

"Alright, come let's go and get you some breakfast so that you can get started with your day."

"Why do I feel like you are more enthusiastic since I confessed I liked Geeta? She isn't even here yet and I already feel like I'm losing favor."

Dev said faking hurt as Aradhana simply gave him a light smack with a soft disapproving smile. 

The duo walked towards the Main Wing hand-in-hand, while talking animatedly about all the everyday stuff happening in each other's lives.

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