An Acceptance Letter

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YAYYY!! Alex and Kurtis' story!! This will be just a short story and I'm trying it in 3rd person, so we'll see how that goes.

Before you read, THIS SHORT STORY IS A SPIN OFF OF OUT OF MY CONTROL!! If you have not read that story yet, read that first!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

Xoxo, Bert.


If there is one thing Alex Wells has looked forward to all his life, it's college. Not just any college, the University his parents both attended and fell in love at. Harvard University.

So, when Alex got the acceptance letter, he couldn't be more ecstatic.

"Oh, my God..." Alex breathed out, holding the letter in his hands.

"What?" Kurtis asks nervously. He's almost been as anxious for the results as Alex has been. But he's not as excited as he's trying to be for Alex. In fact, he's been dreading this day- the day Alex receives the most important letter of his life- because he knows Alex will be accepted.

What school would deny the most intelligent, articulate, kindhearted person Kurtis has ever come across?

Alex being accepted isn't what he's dreading, losing his best friend is what he's dreading. Harvard University is located 1,300 miles away from their small town in Austberg, Florida. (A 19 hour drive which Kurtis has contemplated numerous times if he'd be willing to drive that for Alex. A plane ticket is the better option, but he doesn't know if he could afford that with the insufficient paychecks he receives from his job at the local bookstore).

But, Kurtis has to swallow his dread and fake his happiness when Alex turns to him, shaking the letter with excitement, and shouts, "I got in!"

"You got in!" Kurtis shouts back, trying to match Alex's excitement. And Alex is hugging Kurtis, his arms wrapped tightly around the smaller boy's waist. Kurtis is lifted off the ground as Alex spins him, relishing in his triumphant achievement.

He's set back on the ground, but their hands are still on each other. Kurtis does manage a smile 'cause Alex's smile is just too contagious. "See, you had nothing to worry about. We all knew you'd get in. I'm so happy for you." Alex's grin broadens at Kurtis' words, then he looks down at Kurtis' mouth.

The boy's heart beat picks up, and he holds his breath, and he hopes his lips aren't chapped.

But, Alex steps away from Kurtis when his mom, Sarah, enters the living room. She's drying her hands with a dish towel. "What's going on?"

Kurtis exhales, a wave of disappointment washing over him.

"Mom! I got in!" Alex exclaims and hugs his mother, and she congratulates him and talks about throwing him party, but Kurtis isn't paying any mind to their enthusiasm. His mind is preoccupied with that almost kiss.

This 'almost kiss' happens a lot between Kurtis and Alex. They'll have a moment where they are close- breathing in each other's breath, close- and Kurtis thinks Alex might kiss him, and then he doesn't. They'll sit too close to each other. When walking next to the other, their hands will bump together, but not hold. They'll sleep in bed together. Just sleep. Lean on each other during movies, but still no kiss. No confessions of feelings.

Sure, Kurtis can tell Alex he has feelings for him, but that's obvious. Everyone knows Kurtis likes Alex, so why won't Alex do anything about it?

It's driving Kurtis insane.


It is a normal occurrence for Kurtis to sleep over at Alex's house. Especially now that it's summer vacation. So, five out of seven days a week, you can find Kurtis laying in the same queen sized bed as Alex Wells.

This is not good for Kurtis, he knows that this only fuels his crush for Alex even more. Specifically in the morning when Kurtis is horny and Alex's chest is to his back and his 'morning wood' to his ass. Yeah, this is not a good arrangement, but Kurtis tortures himself anyway because the best sleep he ever gets is when he's in the older boy's arms.

Like right now. They're laying in bed- the bedroom door locked and shut, and Alex's parents are already asleep- and Kurtis is snuggled up against Alex. He loves when Alex strokes his strawberry-blonde hair while his head lays on his chest.

"Will you come with to drop me off at Harvard?" Alex asks, his tone is hopeful, and excited, but Kurtis can't seem to match his energy.

Be happy for him! This is his dream college!  These thoughts have been floating around in Kurtis' head since this morning when Alex received the letter.

"Uh..." He's thankful Alex can't see his face.

"Please, it would mean everything to me if you were there. Tell me you'll go," insists Alex.

No, Kurtis won't go to Massachusetts to see Alex off because he knows he won't be able to let Alex go if he does. But instead (because who can say 'no' to Alex Wells? Kurtis sure as hell can't), Kurtis tells him, "Sure," and looks up at Alex to give him a small, reassuring, fake smile.

"It's gonna be awesome. You'll love the campus! It's so beautiful. And you can help me set up my dorm. Then maybe we can-"

Kurtis tunes him out. He doesn't mean to, but there's a loud, unbearable ringing in his ears as Alex goes on and on about the college that is 1,300 miles away for him.

In two months, Kurtis will be 1,300 miles away from the boy he's falling in love with.


I will definitely not write in 3rd person again lmao I hate it! But, I already started and this is my first time writing this way, so maybe I'll learn to like it. I don't know.

Anyway, Comment and Vote!

-xoxo, Bert

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