Loving Him

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So Alex and Kurtis spend their last month they have left together. It's bitter-sweet, but they tried not to bring up Alex leaving until the night before when they have no choice but to talk about it.

"Okay, sweetie, do you have everything?" Sarah asked. "Hygiene? Socks, underwear? Oh! Did you pack that emergency radio I got you?"

"Yes, mom," Alex tries not to roll his eyes. He knows his mom's just worried he'll forget something, but she's been on his ass about packing all week. Alex doesn't get why, she's going to mail him the rest of his things once she gets back home (Sarah is going with to formally drop him off at Harvard), so if he forgets something, she can send it to him.

Alex shares a look with Kurtis who's been silently watching Alex pack. Kurtis gives a small shrug and a look that Alex interprets as she's your mother, what can you do?

Alex and Kurtis are good. They understand and agree they shouldn't start a relationship, but it's still a hard pill to swallow. They've kissed a couple more times since that night in Kurtis' bed, caught up in a moment, but one always stops it from going anywhere.

Alex smooshes down the top of his suitcase, basically laying on it, before he can zip it shut. He stands up with a triumphant smile, wiping his hand together as if he got his hands dirty from his simple task of closing his luggage.

"Okay, and you have your alarm set for five am?" Mrs. Wells asks.

"Yes," Alex answers his mother.

"Good." She turns to Kurtis, "thank you again for driving us to the airport."

"Of course," Kurtis says. He told Alex he wasn't going with to drop him off at Harvard. Alex understand why, but is still disappointed. But, Sarah asked him to drive the two to the airport and offered him forty bucks, which he accepted, (he would've driven them even without being paid).

"Okay, I'll leave you two," Sarah looks at both of them, a smile on her face, but there's a tint of sadness to it. Sad her baby boy is leaving and sad for the two boys. She knows about their feelings for one another, it was obvious, and it breaks her heart watching Alex leave the one he loves.

Sarah shuts the bedroom door after saying, 'I love you, see you both in the morning,' to the two boys.

Alone, they lay together in bed, soaking up the other's presence. Soaking up their last night together.

But Kurtis needs more than just the regular cuddling and movie night. He hopes Alex feels the same neediness as him. The smaller boy turns to Alex, and though he knows he shouldn't, he asks in a whisper, "Can you kiss me one more time?"

Alex also thinks they shouldn't, but he wants to and he can never say no to Kurtis. If he's going to kiss him one last time, it's going to be the best damn kiss they'll share.

So, he holds Kurtis' face in his hands and presses his lips to his. Alex is leading the kiss, taking it slow, meaningful. He wants this moment to burn into their soul. Then, he quickens the pace and Kurtis is fast to follow. The boy is gripping onto Alex's shirt, tugging him closer and closer until the taller boy is on top.

Alex uses one hand to hold him up and skims his other hand down the boy's body. Their mouth opens, Alex slips his tongue in. Their kiss turns ardent and feverish. Wanting. Needing.

Their bodies are growing hot with the need for a certain type of contact that the clothing on their body can't provide. Alex sits up, Kurtis' hands going to the hem of his t-shirt to help Alex lift it over his head. Kurtis leans up, his hands up for Alex to remove his shirt as well, then lays back down.

They look into each other's eyes, Alex asking an unspoken question to which Kurtis nods and pulls Alex back to him.

Their hands twine and are pressed into the bed above Kurtis' head as Alex's lips travel down Kurtis' neck. He's breathing heavy when Alex sucks on his delicate skin. Then a whimper of lust and ecstasy escapes his mouth when the other grounds his groin on his.

Alex moves lower and lower, his hands sliding down Kurtis' arms and down his chest, until he's in between his legs. Kurtis' heart is racing, anxious for what's to come as he feels Alex's fingers slip under the waist band of his sweatpants. He tugs them down until they're off and on the floor.

He's pulsing through his boxers and finally they're pulled off and Alex's mouth his around him.

Kurtis' head falls back and he clenches Alex's hair. He looks back up at him and watches as Alex's hand moves down to stroke himself, too turned on not to touch himself as he goes down on Kurtis.

Kurtis is in absolute bliss because even though it's just a blow job, it's Alex fucking Wells who's giving it to him and that alone is mind-shattering.

Before Kurtis can cum too soon, (cause they want as much time as they can with each other's body and just a blow job isn't enough), they switch so he can have his way with Alex. Alex feeling the same amount bliss from Kurtis' mouth. Kurtis doesn't even mind the hard gripping of his strawberry-blonde hair.

Then, they shift positions again and Kurtis is ready, been ready, for this moment. He's not even scared because he wants Alex so fucking badly (and he's familiar with gay sex, so it's nothing new for him), but it's a new experience with Alex and he's been craving Alex being inside him.

The thought of Alex leaving isn't even a blimp in their mind. To know what their love for each other feels like physically is the only thought. With their hands on each other, their bodies intertwined, tasting each other, loving each other.

And the rest is private because what happens between the two is emotional, and intense. Sensual, beautiful, and filled with profound love for the other that it wouldn't be right to share this moment- their moment- with anyone else.

When Alex pulls out and they come down from their high, reality strikes Kurtis. And he can't help the tears pouring out of him.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," the younger boy cries, covering his face with his hands, embarrassed by how sensitive he's being. He doesn't ever cry after sex, but his tears aren't for what just transpired, it's for the realization that this won't happen again.

"Hey, hey," Alex says softly, taking Kurtis's hands gently away from his face, and wrapping his arms safely around the boy. "Was I that bad?" But he knows why Kurtis is crying, but at least it gets a chuckle out of him.

"No, I'm just-"

"I know," Alex whispers because he does know. And they hold each other until they fall asleep.


Two more chapters...

-xoxo, Bert

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