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"I can't believe this is happening!" Kurtis squeals and claps his hands together, but quietly as to not make too much noise in the public building. But he can't help it, it's adoption day! "Ooo, what about Lucy? That's pretty, right? I think it fits her."

Alex places his hand on Kurtis' knee that's profusely bouncing up and down, in an attempt to stop it. "Babe, we can't change her name. She's already a year old."

"So? She'll learn a new one and forget this one," Kurtis insists.

Alex chuckles, "why? You don't like the name Meowy Cyrus?"

Kurtis cringes, "definitely not. I love Miley Cyrus, just not as a cat."

"Okay, fine. Lucy? I guess that's better than the 'Oreo' name you suggested earlier. Not very original, Kurtis."

Kurtis opens his mouth to rebut that statement, but the veterinarian came back in with Meowy Cyrus tucked safely into the adoption box with holes and handles at the top. They had already finished all the paperwork before the vet left to retrieve their cat, so they're were all good to go.

Alex and Kurtis stand up. "Alright, here you are," the vet hands the adoption box over to Alex. "And her blanket is also in the box," the boys nod. "Sometime cats can get a little sick- sneezing a lot and whatnot- from switching to a new environment, should go away within a week," she tells them.

They say thank you and bid their goodbyes before heading back to their apartment in Massachusetts. Kurtis anxiously holding their new cat in the passenger seat of Alex's car. "This is the best Christmas gift ever!" Kurtis exclaims. Alex and Kurtis decided to get a big gift together that they both want for Christmas this year instead of individual, small gifts for each other like they've done the past three Christmas' they've spent.

"Maybe next Christmas we adopt a baby," Alex suggests with a hopeful grin.

Kurtis scoff, "yeah, I don't think so. How 'bout you finish college first and put a ring on my finger before we even think about adoption."

Alex groans, "but babe, I have like three more years of college and I have baby fever."

"Well, get over it. You're the one who choose a career that needs a ton of college," Kurtis speaks, but his tone is lighthearted because, really Kurtis' insides are shaking with excitement at the thought of marrying Alex Wells and having kids with him. Kurtis Wells... he likes the sound of that.

But, Alex and Kurtis know they are definitely not ready for kids, but it's a nice notion to think about and Alex has been having baby fever.

Especially as the year goes on and Alex watches in adoration as Kurtis loves and takes care of their cat Lucy. Alex is sure they're going to be great fathers, no doubt about that, and Alex can't wait to propose to Kurtis with the ring he already bought for him.

The ring he bought for the person he wants to spend everyday for the rest of his life with.

I short epilogue for Kurtis and Alex, but still cute <3

This is the end of the Out of My Control series, so thank you to everyone who read and loved the characters as much as I loved creating them.

Much love
-Till the new year, xoxo Bert

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