Chapter 2:

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Third Person Pov:

"Bro are you serious, you're not teaming up on us. One of you are with me and the other is with Naomi."

Currently, Y/n is with her twin brothers and her little sister at the a place called 'Final Round.' It has lots of different things to so. Such as baseball, karaoke, and bowling. 

Speaking of bowling, that's exactly why they're there, to bowl. The twins wanted to team up on the two girls but Y/n was not having it.

"Alright fine then. Jadyn's on your side and i'm on Mimi's side." D'Quan says while holding Naomi's hand. (Mimi = Me Me, Naomi's nickname)

"Ok then, me and JJ got this." Y/n says as she high fives Jadyn.

"No, me and Quan got this." Naomi says and high fives D'Quan with her free hand.

"You sure lil girl?" Y/n asks with a small grin. "You can barely ride the rides at the fair, I don't think you should be talking. With your short self." Jadyn does a 'Ooo' and dab Y/n up.

"Ayo, don't be talking 'bout my lil sista like dat. You mad quiet at school but got a lot to say out of it. Where all dat energy go huh? Ain't dat right Mimi." D'Quan sires back at Y/n as he dabs Naomi up.

Jadyn decides to cut in. "She ain't got time for fake ass friends, she gotta make dat bread. Don't be talkin bout my lil sista like dat." He side hugs Y/n while looking at his twin.

"Bro you my twin." D'Quan says.

"And you my twin, tf that suppose to mean?" Jadyn asks.

"You suppose to be on my side."

"And you suppose to be on my side."

"And we all suppose to be bowling right now but we ain't even find da damn thing." Y/n says, breaking the twin's argument.

"What she said." Naomi says, agreeing with her big sister.

"Let's split up and look for it, i'll take Naomi. If one of us find it, we call each other, ok?" Y/n says, picking Naomi up and putting her on her hip. The twins agreed before walking off, and so did Y/n.


While walking, Y/n was talking to her little sister. "Oooo, can we take a picture, please sissy?" Naomi asks while pointing at a photo booth.

Y/n nods so they go inside the photo booth. Right when Y/n pays, two people run inside. She turns around to see it's none other then Saiki and Teruhashi. Then, two guys open the curtain, see just Naomi and Y/n, apologized, and walks away. 'What da hell just happened.'

"Umm, what's going on?" Y/n asks the two, who she notices are holding hands.

"Wait, you can see us?" Saiki asks using telepathically. He's surprised because him and Teruhashi were still suppose to be invisible.

"You're funny Mr. Of course we do." Naomi says while laughing.

Oh yeah, her whole family, besides her dad and grandpa, are physic's. They each have their own jewelry with the same symbol to control. Even though they are taught at a young age to control their powers, they still have the jewelry to maintain that control.

Y/n's grandma has a bracelet. Her mom has a necklace and the twins have rings. Y/n has a necklace and a ring, as you saw. And since Naomi is the youngest and has the least amount of control, she has a ring, earrings, and a necklace. Each of them all have the same symbol on their jewelry. That's because it represents their family.

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