Chapter 6:

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Third Person Pov:

It's a late on Christmas night. And Y/n decided to take a walk outside.

Her family were being suffocating a little. Especially since her grandparents, uncles, and aunties came over, and they wouldn't stop asking questions about her love and social life. They'd ask,

"Have you made any friends this year? I know you've never been able to make any."

"How's school? I know you've always kept to yourself."

"Got a boyfriend? I know you've always had trouble getting close to someone."

Her family had always been overbearing and rude. They think since she's psychic, like the rest of them, she's suppose to be as outgoing and open like them. But in all honesty, she likes to keep to herself and quietly mind her own business.

When holidays or family events occur, she'd usually find a way to be by herself. To avoid all the insulting questions, and expectations. She's never really been that close to her family anyways.

So here she is, taking a late night walk, on Christmas night, in the drizzling snow. Her skin's warm because of one of her abilities, yet, she wears a coat to keep people from getting suspicious. And her curly hair sways gently in the light wind the blows through the night.

She walks around till she finds herself at a park. She mad her a way to the swing set, which is where she spots Saiki sitting alone.

"What brings you here on this Christmas night?" The brown girl asks as she seats her self on the swing beside the pink haired teen.

Saiki looks over to the now seated girl. "I should be asking you the same thing."

Y/n breathes air through her teeth. "Yeah, well, I asked first."

Saiki rolls his eyes. "The last two Christmases were disasters. I'm sick of hearing 'silent night'. That's why I left home this year, to be alone. I want a quiet Christmas."

"My bad then. I can leave if you want-"

Saiki interrupts her. "It's your turn." She gives him a confused look, so he sighs before telepathically speaking further. "Good Grief. Tell me why you're here."

Y/n nods her head as she continues to sit on the swing. "I just needed fresh air, so I went on a walk."

Saiki stared at her with an 'really' look. "Went on a walk on Christmas night. Could of said something more believable."

Y/n rolled her eyes as she turned her gaze to the night sky. "I'm not gonna pour my problems on you because that's not me. Also, i'm no sure you'll care considering, i'm not even sure we're friends. But..."

She took a breath before continuing. "My family is very overbearing when it comes to my life, and they tend to over due it with the questions and 'advice.' They think that me not wanting friends or a relationship, is a phase and i'll grown out of it because i'm a psychic, and apparently i'm suppose to be this popular whatever. And times like this, where my family come together, I like to be by myself." She exhaled after finishing. "But yeah, that's the summary version of why i'm here."

Saiki stared at the brown girl shock. He was not expecting her to g through such judgment by her family. She never said much about her family. Perhaps, this is the reason why.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly apologized, looking over to the pink haired boy. "I didn't mean to say so much. Plus, i'm sure i'm bothering you so i'll just go." She stood up and waved before walking away. "See you later."

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