Calming Draught

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(This chapter is edited)

All students were heading towards potions class. Y/n truly love potions.When she was little professor Snape used to teach both Draco and her. Today they were going to learn Calming Draught.

"Miss Malfoy" snape said in his cold voice. The Gryffindor's as well as Slytherin's faced the platinum hair girl

"can you help Mr Longbottom. He can't even do a single work" He added as he looked at Neville in disgust "sure Professor" y/n walked toward Neville and smiled

He was stilling in front of the trio.

"hey," she whispered "h-hi" Neville nervously replied.

Y/n looked in his potions "Longbottom first we will add 6 drops of fluxweed oil to warm water" Y/n told Neville who followed what she said.

"Now Split the bloodroot stems lengthwise with your knives" Neville was trying but couldn't do it.

"like this" she showed him how it was done so he could follow "and scrape out all fluid and fibrous material from inside the stems" she told him.

Neville was doing much better. "Great now crush with mortar and pestle into a fine paste and add to the cauldron" she finished, Neville did what she said and this time the potion was perfect.

Snape looked at their potion "hmm...well done Miss Malfoy" Y/n Smiled

"tha-thank you Malfoy" Neville said while looking down "It's alright" she told them.

Turns out Harry was failed to make the potion "Mr Potter just like your father" Snape said angrily

Harry tried to argue but Hermione stopped him. "After seeing your condition Potter, I assume you need a tutor"

Snape looked at Harry "Hermione will help me prof-" Snape cut Harry and looked around the room

"Miss Malfoy is going to be your tutor-" Harry's green eyes met Y/n's grey ones "or Mr Malfoy is free as well " he added

"oh hell no-" mumbled Harry "I'll go with her" Harry said while looking at Y/n and smiled.

Draco looked between the two with full hate

"Miss Malfoy are you free tomorrow?" Asked Snape "I am free professor" said Y/n "hmm now dismiss"

"Malfoy" y/n turn back and saw Harry walking towards her

"we will study tomorrow not today Potter" Y/n remained him "at what time are you going to be free?" He asked

"Between seven or eight" she told him "after dinner in library alright?"

"brilliant" he smiled as Y/n walked away with Pansy.

"Harry" said Hermione and harry looked at her "You're crushing on her" She added as she saw it coming

harry didn't reply. He stare at Y/n as she was walking "blimey mate she is a Malfoy" Ron reminded Harry

"all she share is one late name" Harry said in a low voice so only his friends could here "bloody hell harry you're in love with her" Ron gasped making Harry and Hermione laughed.


Y/n was sitting in liberally when someone sat next to her.

"What you doin?" said the person "drugs" y/n rolled her eyes "someones is in a bad mood" he laughed

"come on Ash can't you see I'm studying?" Y/n finally looked up at her best friend from Drumstrang

"what happen?" He asked "I had a long day and I am tired but I have to tutor Potter" Y/n confirmed.

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