Atlantes Thana

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[There is no Atlante Thana. I made her up. She is my character so please don't steal her. And if you forgot about Atlantes Thana then go re-read the chapter 'powers'. Thank you]

(This chapter is edited)

Y/n pov

The first day was weird. Everyone looked dull and Hogwarts didn't look the same. Slytherin's were rather happy about this but I wasn't.

I and Theodore did the duty and came back to the common room. We both were tired and went to bed.

The next day, when I enter the great hall, I saw the look on Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I sat on the Slytherin table beside Pancy

"What happens to them?" I asked her, pointing at other house students

Pancy laughed "they haven't got much food"

I was confused until I saw their table. There was a very small amount of food while the Slytherin table was full of yummy stuff

"But that's not fair," I said "Who cares. At least we have some" said Goyle

"I do," I said "I am totally going to report this"

"Report to who?" Blaise asked "it's in professor Snape's hand and he is the one who did this"

"Snape did?"

Blaise nodded

"Y/n don't go complaining about this" Theodore said "Not you too"

"Listen Justice Queen!" Pancy said "if you do that then they will take ours too"

I sat there in silence. I looked around and then at my plate. I feel worst.

I stood up and went to the common room.

The whole day was boring. At least Slytherins are enjoying themselves. Not all but most of them.

I return from my duty and It was almost midnight. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes.

'The book'

The random thought made me get up and I took the book out. It had the title, 'The true me'. I carefully opened it because it was too old and the pages were really soft like it was going to tear any second

I read the first line;

'Almost every person thought I was a monster. I was created by some dark magic, but no one knew the truth about me. 'The true me'

I was confused after reading the first few lines. Why did Dumbledore want me to have someone's diary? I shook my head and continued reading

'I was born in a small village but our family was wealthy among the others. Villages respected my family but fear as well. My birth killed my mother. It was only me and my father who hated me. He always reminds me that I was the one who killed his wife, his beloved wife, my mother'

I continued reading --

'Before I was born my mother had already chosen a name for me; Atlantes Katherine Thana'

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