Joining Umbridge

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(This chapter is edited)

As usual I was late for breakfast. When I reach the hall only a few students were still there including Harry and Ron. I walked towards them

"Mind if I sit?" I asked the two

Harry looked at me and smile "sure" he replied while Ron nodded "where's Hermione?" I asked as the three of them are always together

"Studying for O.W.Ls," Ron said with food in his mouth "Crap! I completely forgot" I gasped "In defence against the dark arts,
you said you already studied" harry raised his eyebrow

"I did, but I have to revise" I told him "Bloody hell, not other Hermione," Said Ron and I just rolled my eyes

"Pancakes?" question Harry "why not" he gave some pancakes to me and I started eating

Then an owl dropped the letter in front of me "who's it from?" Asked Harry "donno" I started opening it

Where are you? I haven't seen you from two days, meet me in the common room at 3 pm It's about our club


The letter was from my brother. He is so dramatic. He is too lazy to find me so he is sending letters now...

I didn't realise that Harry was reading my letter "who's DM?" He asked.

I hate when people peek into my stuff. I don't care who it is I just don't like it

I decided to play with him "someone" I smirk harry look at me "someone who?" Aw, he looks kinda cute when he is jealous

"Someone I love" it's true what I said. I love Draco, he is my brother but Harry doesn't know that I am talking about Draco

He blinked and started eating. I chuckled "Harry!" he looked at me "Wot!" oh damn

I couldn't help but start laughing "It's from Draco" I stated in between my laughs "Draco Malfoy. DM"

"don't do that with me," he said "says you, who was peeking" he rolled his eyes

I didn't realise that Ron already left. It was only me and harry now

"Harry about Umbridge" he looked at me "are you sure?" I asked.

he nodded "yes but if you don't want then it's alright" I shook my head

"It's fine. I get what you were saying" he smiled "you can tell Hermione and Ron " he looked at me confused "they do deserve to know" he nodded

"Which class you got?" Harry asked "Charms," I told him "same. Let's walk together" I nodded

I and Harry were walking and discussing stuff. I felt a hand over mine. From the corner of my eyes, I saw harry connecting our hands.

Ah, butterfly's in my stomach...

We reach outside the call "and here we are" I giggle harry turn to face me and slowly kissed me

There were a few students who gasped and started whispering. I can't care less about them. The only thing I know is that Harry Potter never failed to give me butterfly's


I reach the common and room and Draco was waiting for me "what do you want to talk about?" I asked "Are you planning on joining--" I brush him off "I will join"

"Y/n think about...What?"

"Don't make me repeat it" he rolled his eyes "Well then let's go to her office" I nodded

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