16. Cold

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None of Rafa's guards offer me an umbrella when I arrive at the island. Somebody's gonna get fired!

I run to the mansion, under the rain. When I open the door, I find Rafa walking in circles in the middle of the main corridor, a bottle of beer held firmly in his hand.

"I'm back, love," I say.

He doesn't turn to me, but still smiles. "I was waiting for you. Did you bring the documents with you?"

"Yeah," I say, walking to him. "If they're wet, it's your guards' fault. They didn't bring me an umbrella."

"I know," he mumbles.

"You look down. Is everything alright?"

"It is, at least for me. I need another favor from you."

I roll my eyes. "Rafa, I'm not your slave or one of your fucking guards. This time you'll have to ask someone else."

He puts his hands around my waist, his fingertips almost touch while he pushes me back against the wall. My body warms water dripping from me as Rafa devours me, his tongue playing with mine.

He pauses. "I need a gun from Quintero's office. It's one of my favorites."

"I can't-"

He lowers his head, his warm breath touches my skin as he presses the bulge in his pants against my cunt, just a few layers of tissue between our bodies.

"Will you take that for me? It'll be my birthday soon," he says, groaning as my nails sink in his shoulders.

I can't help but nod. With pain and pleasure, he has complete control over my body.

I gasp as a blade slips into my pussy, blood dripping on it. "I can't believe you'd be willing to betray one of your allies for so little."

"You know I hate him-"

He twists his knife into my pussy. "So what? Business is not a game that you play with the people you like. As soon as we'll have an argument and you'll put me on your fucking black list, you'll do everything to make me pay for whatever sins you think I've committed. That's not how it works. You're not working with money, you're just using money to accomplish your caprices and feel satisfied until you have one more. We've never been friends, and now we won't be collaborators anymore. I'm done with you. ¿Claro?"

I squeeze my eyes as the pain from the cuts inside my vagina tortures me at every breath I take. "If you marry me, I won't-"

"Marriage is a legal procedure, don't try to trick me," he says, starting to move the blade in and out of me. "Nothing of yours would become mine even if we got married, because nothing we do is legal."

"Please, stop!" I beg, hitting his chest.

But Rafa answers with a genuine laughs and keeps having fun with my body, making me bleed more and more as I start to feel weak. "You're vulnerable, and the fact that you'd do everything just to be fucked by me, your competitor, is the proof of that. I don't work with weak people like you, who treat adversaries as enemies and allies as friends. Our collaboration ends here, today, now."

"I did everything..." The blade penetrates me again, deeper and harder, taking my breath away. "...for you."

"That's the point, my dulce Gabi."

Rafa fucks me with his knife until I come, screaming in tears. He stares into my eyes and I try to look away, but that stupid smile of his stays in my view, no matter where I turn. Then Rafa steps back, letting me go after keeping me pushed against the wall, and I fall.

As Rafa walks away, I stand up with a roar that helps me resist the pain while I take off a sleeve of my t-shirt to wrap it around his neck from behind. But he turns before I can do that and thrust his knife into the feel of my hip.

I bend over, grabbing his arms to hold myself up on the knees until Rafa punches me in the face and I'm on the ground again.

"Touch me again and I'll rip the tongue out of your head. No te necesito," he growls, then walks away.

Holding my sleeve on my injury, I try to crawl out of the place. Two guards come to grab me by my arms and drag me to bleed outside, away from anything expensive that I could ruin. They leave me on my boat and my guards rush to bring me away from the island, taking care of my wounds.

The rain washes the blood away from me while I wait, laying out on my yacht. "Mierda. Hijo de puta madre!"

I have no partner among the drug lords, not after today and especially not after dropping Quintero's folder from the archives. There's only one thing to do: take the worst side to not be alone before someone unfamiliar kills me.

I need to warn Carlos about what happened and beg for his help before he gets arrested because of me, before it'll be too late. It's true that telling Quintero what I did could be risky, but if I don't pay the smaller cartels and their families after losing Rafa's lands for marijuana production I'll get killed for sure, or maybe tortured to death, and wanted dead by way too many people.

Mexican cartels are close, like a big family... until you stop paying. Once they're enemies to you, their eyes are everywhere and everybody knows everything about you, sometimes even better than your blood family knows. No one escapes. I can't let myself become the one that is hated by the people or I'll be fucked. It's not going to happen.

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