17. Step Back

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It takes me a few days to be able to stand up by myself again and, as soon as I can, I travel to meet Carlos. After Rafa cut the bridges with me, Quintero became my only hope to survive the other cartels, beasts that started to see me as a tasty prey.

When I walk into Carlos' enormous office, he's sitting on his desk, staring at the entrance where I come from. He doesn't laugh at me, but I know he's feeling good about my fall.

"What do you know?" I ask, stopping a few inches from him with my chin held high.

"I know you've lost Navarro's lands for a miscomprehension about your authoritative power," he says.

"What else?" I ask, showing no fear in being alone with him in his home.

"Nothing relevant to the matter. Is there anything important I don't know yet?"

Memories of the pain he caused me, beating me over and over until I fainted, flashes in my mind. I hesitate, but I don't let emotions control me. "I went to a maximum security facility to get some documents about an inmate and I dropped a folder with your name on it in front of an agent."

His jaw clenches as he inhales, his nose wrinkled. Now he knows.

"I knew about the folder, but I couldn't imagine you were behind that mess. You never get tired to do stupid shit, don't you? One day, one of those mistakes will cost your life," he says coldly.

"I know, and I don't care. I've nothing to lose anymore."

"I wouldn't dare to say so." Quintero grabs me by my hips and pulls me against his disgusting boner. "Did you really risk your life and Hernandez's whole inheritance to get me behind the bars?"

"I did, and I'm proud of my actions," I hiss on his lips.

He smirks, his warm breath caressing my skin. "I feed more families than your government does. That's why I'm more powerful, and loved."

"I doubt anyone would be capable of loving you." I chuckle before he puts a hand at the base of my throat, silencing me through fear.

"Watch your mouth, you're here to apologize."

"No, I'm here to make business with you. We're not friends, we only work together. We're allies, collaborators, on the same team, ¿lo entiendes?"

Quintero offers me a shot from his desk and I slap it away, letting it shatter on the carpet floor.

Carlos' eyes don't move from mine. "I'm not a bad person, Gabriela."

"We must have a different conception of being bad, Carlos. You hurt people."

"I hurt people to help others."

"¿Cómo?" I scoff.

"You'd know if I'd make you my wife. I know you kind of proposed to Rafa and he considered your money that he didn't need, but not your talents. He never values skills, not that I expect him to: he's the body, not the brain. That's why he produces the merch and I deliver it."

"I'd rather die than be yours," I say, loud and clear.

"You're already mine, because you'd be dead without my help. If you want to go out there and get caught by one of your cartels, go on, I won't stop you. But if you want me to save your cute ass, then let me remind you who's the boss."

A shiver runs down my spine. "What are you going to do to me?"

"I just want to play." He smiles, but there's no joy sparking in his blue eyes.

I take a deep breath, hoping to stop shaking, his hands still on me. "You can hurt me, even humiliate me if you want, but don't lose control or you can forget about any future collaboration between us."

"Hey, I'm not the one in need, remember? And threatening me, or warning me as you probably want to call it, won't make me scared of ruining your beautiful face again, princesa." His fingers grab my jaw as I lean back against his desk. "Now, know your place," he growls, and pushes me down on the cold wooden surface.

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