Chapter Eight

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Aloura and Elias sat on the rooftop almost all night. Elias wasn't sure why he'd stayed there as long as Aloura had. It wasn't like he enjoyed her presence, but the thought of leaving her hanging off the end of the building clawed at him from inside.

I wouldn't want kalian out here all night alone, he'd convinced himself. He had only stayed because he saw the innocence of his brother in her. Yeah. That's all. All the while, Aloura wished on every star that Elias would go home. She wanted to cry, to talk out loud to her mother. She wanted to watch the sunset, without his lurking presence. She didn't mean to be rude to him, it wasn't her nature. But by 6am, she had gotten desperate for a break from his watchful eyes.

But Elias didn't move an inch from his place. His now bandaged hands gripped the cold metal bar bitterly. The thoughts of the fight filled his mind. He fisted his hands angrily and repeatedly hit his forehead, racking his brain for a way out of this life. Aloura swung over the edge and balanced herself back onto the building and walked to where Elias stood. "When are you leaving?" she asked him solely.

Elias shot her a look of disbelief, he had stayed up all night to keep a watch on her, and she was being rude? He scoffed, "when I feel like it.'

"When are you going to feel like it?" she pressed.

Elias ignored her question. Maybe he was unsure on how to answer her, or he was scared his tone would burn her more than he already had. But he let the silence between them linger for a moment, before turning to shoot her a quick glance. He opened his mouth to apologise for the way he'd acted from the moment he'd seen her, but Aloura's phone ringing phone cut him off.

Aloura took a step back from him, as she fished her phone from her back pocket, she missed the scowl Elias shot her direction at the sight of Kaden's name on her screen. "Hey babe!" Kaden called through the phone, and Elias' scowl deepened.

"Hey Kaden" Aloura smiled, she had missed him. They hadn't spoken since the night of his college party, but she had shook that reminder out of her memory. She didn't want to let her mind wonder to what had happened after she had hung up on him.

"Where are you?" he grinned through the phone.

"The rooftop, why?" she asked, picking at her nails anxiously. A habit she'd picked up from her mother.

"God's sake" he muttered under his breath. Aloura knew she wasn't meant to hear that, so she ignored it. "Hold still, I'm coming."

"What do you mean?" she rushed out, shooting a glance at Elias who had his arms off the b building while he looked at the streets below. His jaw tensing angrily. "You're in Cambro?"

"Yes babe" he grinned, "I'll come to you now."

"No!" Aloura rushed out panicking as she stared at Elias. Kaden was, despite unfaithful, a jealous guy. Just the mere thought of Aloura and another guy interacting would send him into a rage. So Aloura wasn't looking forward to finding out how angry he'd get if he found out they'd spent the night together. Despite how innocent the night was. "I mean, don't bother coming all this way, I need to drop some things at home off anyway. I'll come to you." Aloura lied.

"Okay babe, my mum wants to see you anyway."

They exchanged I love you's and goodbyes, before Aloura turned to Elias, a smile still tugging in her lips. It however, quickly erased off her face as Elias scoffed at her. He picked up the discarded first aid kit and threw it at her hands, before walking towards the large door.

Aloura stood confused for a moment, she didn't understand how someone's mood could change that drastically in so little time. You didn't expect to be besties just because he used your first aid kit, right? The voice in her head scoffed. But Aloura sighed sadly, suddenly aware how desperate she was for a friend.

Aloura gathered her belongings before walking out the rooftop.

After a couple of minutes of walking, Aloura found herself outside Kaden's house. The excitement inside her bubbled up, pushing the sadness she'd felt earlier to the back of her mind. The butterflies in her stomach clawed at her throat as she spotted the familiar car in the driveway. Her face broke out into a smile as she practically ran towards the front door and knocked frantically.

After a few moments, the door swung open, and Kaden stood there, a smile matching Aloura's on display. Aloura wasted no time squealing and throwing herself into his arms. Kaden stumbled back as Aloura hung off his neck. "Hi there baby" he smiled, tightening his arms around her. "God, I missed your hugs."

"I missed you more" Aloura laughed in response before jumping out his arms. "Where's your mum?"

"You just missed her" Kaden sighed as he led Aloura into the kitchen, "she made us pancakes though, are you hungry?" he didn't wait for Aloura's answer before he began dishing out a plate for her.

"Yeah please, I've not had breakfast" Aloura grinned as her plate was placed Infront of her. She took a seat as Kaden placed his food on his plate.

"You've not ate yet?" he raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were at the rooftop?" Kaden questioned, confused as to why she'd wake up at the crack of dawn and leave her house without eating.

"I went there last night"

"You slept there?" he exclaimed worriedly, "babe do you know how unsafe it is to be out alone all night?"

"I wasn't alone" Aloura's eyebrows furrowed, she stuffed another forkful of food in her mouth, before realising her mistake.

"Who were you with?" Kaden asked after a moment of silence.

"Just someone" Aloura mumbled. She was suddenly no longer hungry, and instead opted to play with her food. She had only ever made Kaden mad once before, and she certainly did not want a repeat of that night. He'd never hit her though, but the hurtful words he'd use sure did leave a mark.

"Was this someone a boy?" Aloura's silence was enough of an answer to Kaden,. He watched her for a moment, his eyes angry. "You just love doing what I tell you not too huh?" Aloura didn't look at him, she held her fork and messed with her food, waiting for his mood to cool down. But it didn't subside, her lack of response only enraged him more.

In one swift motion, Kaden's breakfast was thrown at the wall, Aloura flinched in response, but Kaden played it no attention. He jumped from his seat and paced around the table before stopping when he stood opposite where Aloura sat. "Were you with a fucking boy Aloura? Don't make me fucking ask you again."

"Yes but-" Kaden didn't let Aloura finish, he'd left the kitchen and angrily marched up the stairs, leaving his guest stunned in the kitchen.

Aloura followed Kaden up the stairs, and knocked at Kaden's now locked door repeatedly, "Kaden please" she called out. But Kaden didn't respond, and for almost five minutes Aloura stood at the outside of Kaden's door begging him to listen. She had begun to give up consoling him when the door unlocked, and a red eyed teary Kaden stood before her. He stood for a moment before swallowing. He held his hand out, and Aloura stepped hesitantly in his embrace.

"I'm begging you, Aloura please" he cried as he pulled her into his chest. Aloura wasn't sure what he was begging for, but she didn't dare question him, she instead wrapped her arms around him and promised him nothing happened again and again.

"Promise me Aloura" Kaden sniffed, "promise me nothing happened. Promise me nothing will happen."

Can you promise me the same, Kaden? She wanted to ask him, but again, she bit her tongue. The gratification she would feel from placing Kaden in his place wasn't worth the commotion it would cause. "I promise you"

I don't believe in promises. 

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