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"Louis you see the pose plate right?! Why don't you do what you're asked, you get paid for this!"

Harry is furious. All afternoon Louis has been irritated by the leader of the shoot, along with the photographer. His clothes weren't right, his smile, his poses.

That sweet, innocent smile...

'Harry you are his bodyguard, you shouldn't think of him like that' he sighs, he's so done with those people.

He walks over to Louis and the nasty two men. Louis looks at him questioningly, some sadness in his eyes.

"You guys need to stop talking about Mr. Tomlinson like that. You're not worthy to call him Louis. His poses? They're magnificent. His clothes? Comes from the newest clothing lines that your salaries couldn't even afford. And his smile? It's not even meant for you, it's not even worth it. Whether you act normal now or I will gladly take him home again, he doesn't belong between people who judge him, that's it."

Louis looks at Harry gratefully and gives him a small smile. Harry winks at him and steps back, where his position as bodyguard is.

The two men exchange glances before mumbling, but stop whining and finally do their job.

The rest of the day runs smoothly. Louis has had the photos and then they went to a chic restaurant, of course Louis his choice as promised.

Later that evening, they were sitting on the couch in the living room, the TV playing a movie that neither of them were actually watching.

"Hey hazz? Thanks again for today, at the photo shoot."

Harry chuckles. "It's no big deal, it's my job."

"As a bodyguard?" Louis looks at him questioningly and Harry smiles softly. "No, as a friend."

Louis smiles back. "Are- you okay with me calling you hazz?"

Harry places his hands behind his head and props his head against the back of the sofa. "I kinda like it, it sounds nice coming from you, Lou."

They both chuckle.

"Shall we go do something? I'm bored and it's still pretty early." Harry looks at his watch, it is indeed only 8 o'clock.

"What do you fancy?" So he asks.

"Shall we make cupcakes?" Louis looks at him sheepishly and Harry laughs. "Sounds good, but do you ever know how to do that, kitchen princess? If I'm to believe Kyle, you're still burning tea water."

Louis starts pouting. "That happened one time and it wasn't even my fault!"

Harry pats him on the back. "Come, I'll help you."

The final score was two grown boys, covered in flour, pink icing in their hair and glitter scattered throughout the kitchen.

"So, that was..."

"Interesting, let's keep it at that..."


Some time later lads! Here a new chapter, I'm back and in a writing mood, so expect more coming soon! :))

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