647 16 8

April 29th, 2023


Louis sighs as looks next to him, where Harry is lying next to him on the bed, his hands behind his head and his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Harry had saved him from the paparazzi a few hours ago and boy Louis was grateful for that.

He woke up and had immediately looked into Harry's bright green eyes.

They talked and Louis had apologized for his behavior, because what he said was really not okay.

Luckily Harry forgave him and all was well again, but now they had another problem...

Well, two actually...

The first and also the best is that they kind of found out that they like each other after the incident with the paparazzi. They haven't talked about it yet, but both know it won't be long before they have to.

The other problem, because of the incident with the paparazzi, some gossip has come out.

The whole internet is full of pictures of the two guys, even an edit of the two of them kissing! That thought makes Louis blush. "If only that were true..."

"Were what true?" Louis looks up in shock, realising he had said that out loud. "Um nothing..."

Harry laughs. "You're one of a kind, Louis."

Louis rolls his eyes. "You like it." Harry comes closer and before Louis knows their faces are inches apart. "Uh Harry?"

Harry places a finger under Louis's chin, a dark but playful look in his eyes. "You secretly like it, don't you? Those pictures of us on the internet, kissing. You wish I had carried you like that when you were awake, not passed out, hm? I know you want me, Louis."

Louis looks up in surprise, his heart pounding. "No, no, it's not like that." Harry comes even closer and puts a hand on his leg. "Don't play games with me, I can hear your heart beating from over here."

Louis grins. "You're pretty close sherlock. Who says it's not yours beating so loud? Maybe it's just in your head that I like you."

Harry swallows and turns his head away, a dirty smile on his face. "Okay then, I'm glad you're safe, Louis." He stands up and Louis looks shocked, but this time because this is not what he expected nor wanted! Oops...

He runs after Harry, who as response turns when he hears Louis behind him. He presses Louis against the wall, his voice hoarse when he speaks. "See? I know you like me, I know you haven't known me long but desire for my lips on yours, to lie no longer alone in that bed at night, but with me beside you, what's holding you back, Louis?"

Louis looks down, trying to avoid Harry's pretty face, Harry has him wrapped around his finger and he knows it.

"I'm afraid hazz, people only like me for the fame not me. You don't,  I know that but I don't know... But I would be lying if I said I wished those edits where we kiss isn't us."

Harry places his arm above Louis's head on the wall, Louis still pressed against the wall. He runs his hand over Louis's cheek.

"You don't have to be afraid, I will be your bodyguard from the paparazzi but also protect your heart, from others and for yourself, I will not hurt you and break your heart. I like you very much, your smile, your sassy attitude and so much more, are you convinced? I would like to name more what I love about you, but I would love to kiss you and quickly replace those edits with real photos.

Louis's breathing quickened. "Convinced, what are you waiting for?" Saying that is enough for Harry. He looks into Louis's eyes and then down to his lips before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Louis almost whines when Harry pulls back again, both surprised but happy. "You're a good kisser."

"You're not too bad either."

The front door then opens "Louis?!"


That particular scene, you know what I'm talking about, damnnn I'm dying haha in a good way.

Hope you liked this chapter! Want me to write some more? Would love to finish the book!



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