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"Louis you love a- a boy?!" His manager yells, his face in his hands.

His manager, Luke, was furious to say at least. Louis had called him a couple of days after he and Harry had made it official and right away Harry and Louis had to come straight into Luke's office.

And to say at least, hell broke loose

"Yes, yes I do." Louis gulped, straighting his composure. Harry, who was seated next to him, squeezed his hand from under the table.

"You're always suprising me, Louis! And not in a good way! Girls are always all over you, telling you they love you and you decide to one day say 'ah I love my bodyguard and he's my boyfriend?!'"

The man is pacing around the room, his face red from anger.

Louis tries to stay calm, sighing deeply. "I already came out as gay on national television years ago! Luke I get that this comes as a suprise to you, but what do you want me to do?!"

"To break up and continue focussing on your career! You're on every televison possible, posters of you hang all around the city and people wait in unbelievable long lines for tickets to your concerts!"

"No shit sherlock." Louis rolls his eyes, getting angry.

"Louis don't sass me, you need to break up with the boy, your career is thriving! It's not about being gay, it's about you, IN A RELATIONSHIP! "

Louis stands up. "But I'm not thriving when I'm not with Harry! Either you let me date him, or I'm going to search for a new manager, or just give up my career if I have to."

Louis's heart ached thinking about that, but he knew that deep down he would always choose Harry over everything.

Luke gasped, his hand on his chest in chock. "You wouldn't dare."

Louis smirks, looking at Harry and then back at Luke. "You want to test me?"

Harry just is about to step up and tell Louis he doesn't have to when Luke starts speaking

Luke closes his eyes, resting his hands on the chair in front of him. "You're lucky people adore you and your voice so much. You can keep dating him, you really love him hm? Even wanting to end your career for him."

Louis smiles. "I really do love him, Luke."

Harry, who was silenty watching the scene in front of him, snuck a arm around Louis's waist, rubbing his side. He looks at Louis, smiling, proud of what Louis just said and did. He mouths a 'I love you' to the boy, who at his turn mouths it back.

He now understands Louis was saying all this because he knows Luke will turn around on the matter, luckily.

"Alright this is what we're going to do. You're going to keep your relationship a secret for now, I'm going to try and make those edits of the two of you disappear and you need to come back tomorrow to discuss what we're going to do next, those edits are making their way onto the internet faster then you and I can talk." Luke seriously says, a frown on his face.

Louis nods, this wasn't ideal, but he knew this needed to be done in order to keep his career and also stay Harry's boyfriend.

It was going to be hard, but he knew that with Harry by his side he could face anything.

He wanted both, and so much more. He needed to do this in order to achieve more in life and stay happy.

"Alright, deal."



The first part with Luke talking wasn't in any way to characterize him as someone who's homophobic or makes such comments, it's just about the fact Louis is in a relationship in this fanfiction, not the fact that it's with a boy, just to clear things up. Xx

Felt like we needed some 'drama' to the story to make it a bit more interesting and longer.

By the way, want to see more interaction between Louis and his aunt Jade? XD

Have a great day!


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