7| Team

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Chapter 7: Team (Vanessa's POV)

What the hell is happening? What am I doing? 

I definitely wasn't thinking straight, all I was thinking about was how to get rid of Chase. I couldn't believe he really came into my office as if he had any right to. On top of that, he starts calling out to me like a maniac. It pissed me off but I was also too nervous to do anything with Aaron here. 

I didn't want Aaron to see anything and use it against me in the future, because I had no doubt that he would love to embarrass me every chance he gets. 

All I knew was that I wanted to- no, had to- I had to do something that got rid of Chase once and for all. And what could have been better than convincing him that I've moved on and am seeing someone else? 

This morning, I was late to work because Chase was waiting in the lobby of my apartment building. He stalled me and argued with me in front of everybody for at least half an hour and then when I finally got rid of him with security's help, I couldn't get a cab. 

Today is just not my day. 

I thought on my way to work that next time Chase bothers me, I'm going to tell him that I'm seeing someone else. I wasn't planning on using Aaron's name but then Chase showed up here and I thought: 

He already thinks there's something going on between Aaron and me, I may as well add fuel to the fire and use it to my advantage. 


I pulled away from Aaron, mouthing, "Sorry," just as I felt Chase grabbing my arm and pulling me away. I winced softly at his grip before prying his hand off of me. "Don't touch me, Chase," I huffed, spinning around to face him. Not to mention, I just couldn't face Aaron after what I'd done. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" Chase yelled. 

I folded my arms across my chest. "What does it look like I'm doing?" 

He stared at me in disbelief. 

"Why are you so shocked? You're the one who said you thought something was going on between us." 

"Something is going on between us?" Aaron asked from behind me. 

I glanced at him over my shoulder, shooting him a pointed look. 

"Something... is going on between us," he rendered, clearing his throat and nodding, stepping forward. 

"I was right," Chase scoffed, "I fucking knew it. You made a huge deal out of me sleeping with Jasmine but you're probably doing the same thing, aren't you?" 

"Does it bother you? Why? I thought you said we weren't exclusive." 

"You bitch," he chuckled dryly. 

I didn't expect Aaron to stand up for me, so I wasn't going to give him a chance to. "It's been six months, Chase. Let it go. Face the facts, we never really liked each other and the only reason you're running after me is because it hurt your ego that I refused to have sex with you." 

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