11| Lace

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Chapter 11: Lace (Vanessa's POV)

I sighed in exhaustion and relief as I moved towards my bed once I came out of the bathroom, now dressed for bed. I lay down flat on my stomach and hugged the pillow that was under my cheek, closing my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to fully believe we were going to do what we planned to. Me and... Aaron.

I never ever thought I'd get remotely close to him after what happened between us in college. Well, what almost happened. My eyes snapped open and I stared ahead, zoning out into the dark while reliving the memory in my head. It shouldn't be so vivid, considering we were drunk. But I remember it much more clearly than I wish I did.

"You don't come to a college party and not drink, Van," Cole said pointedly, handing me a shot glass. Cole was not only my roommate's and close friend's boyfriend, but he was also my friend and the host of tonight's party at his parents' house. Cole has always lived near the campus and often hosts parties because his parents are always traveling.

"In my defense, I didn't want to come to this college party. But your girlfriend dragged me here."

"Drink up, come on," he shrugged, downing his own shot.

I looked down at the vodka. I shouldn't have been drinking, I most certainly was not twenty-one. But I was in college. I downed the shot, cringing and sucking in a breath through my teeth, handing him the glass.

He filled up another one, handing it to me.

"No," I whined as his girlfriend, Amy, showed him beside me, lifting the glass to my lips.

"Come on, come on, come on," she squealed as I drank it down.

I had another one after that or maybe it was two more. It wasn't long after that that I had no idea what I was doing. Someone pulled me to dance with the crowd but somewhere along the line, I lost my dance partner, whoever it was. I was just moving with the crowd when my back collided with someone.

I spun around and realized it was a guy. An insanely tall guy. I took in the black fitted v-neck and the jeans. The t-shirt, I realized, was full sleeves but the sleeves had been bunched up at his elbows. Someone fell somewhere on the dance floor and the crowd surged backward. I mumbled a small, "Ow," as I was pushed further into the stranger.

I fisted the shirt to avoid crashing into him full force but when my hands landed on his back, I realized whoever he was, he definitely worked out. I huffed in frustration and let go, trying not to get crushed in the ground. I spun away from the guy to leave when a group of people stumbled and then like dominos, people on the floor were falling. I squeaked, losing my balance.

I was prepared to land on my ass but froze when I felt someone grabbing my waist from behind and steadying me. It was the same guy and he held us both up while people got back up. I didn't feel him let go, but I did feel his firm and taut front pressing into my back.

I slowly spun around, tilting my head up, my eyes going wide when I recognized that face.

Aaron Sinclair.

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