14| Together

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I changed the chapter name




Chapter 14: Together (Aaron's POV)

"I think we'll go crazy in this elevator," Vanessa sighed, hitting her head against the wall with a soft thud. 

We've spent nearly half an hour here already and it was starting to tire both of us out. We alternated between standing and sitting and eventually just sat down next to each other, her heels off and sitting beside her. There were chaotic voices outside, that much was obvious, people trying to start up the elevators or help the ones stuck out of them. 

"Maybe we already are," she added. 

I sighed, turning to look at her. "Vanessa." 

She faced me, lifting her brows. "What?" 

I opened my mouth to reply but my mind ran blank when I saw her face. We were too close. It felt strange and not in a good way. I scanned her face, forcing my eyes back to hers from her lips. "Don't you ever shut up?" I asked. 

We both quickly looked ahead as fresh light poured in while the doors were pried open by maintenance staff. "Thank god," Vanessa huffed, standing up and pulling her heels back on. 

"What took so long?" I questioned, bringing myself to my feet. 

"Sorry, our apologies, really," the man huffed, offering a hand to Vanessa. 

She stopped and took a step back. "Do you want me to climb up there?" 

"There's no other way, ma'am, we're very sorry." 

She sighed and cleared her throat, shifting uncomfortably. She turned to me. I lifted a brow, watching her squirm in amusement. "You can go first," she said, gesturing for me to go ahead. 

"If I go first, Vanessa, there will be no one to help you out of here," I said pointedly. 

"Van? Aaron?" We both looked up, spotting Jade. She sighed and then turned around. "Thomas, I found them!" She faced us again. "We were looking for you. Come on out." 

Vanessa turned to me again. 

"Ladies first, no?" I asked. 

She glared at me. "Just shut up and go." 

"If you don't know how to climb out of here, just say so." 

"Why?" She folded her arms across her chest. "What are you going to do?" 

I nodded towards her heels. "Take them off." 


I resisted an eye roll and stepped closer to her. "Take. Them. Off." 

She hesitantly kicked them to the side and then looked at me. I took her purse, set it on the floor with her heels, and glanced at Jade who was watching in confusion and amusement both. I held Vanessa's gaze, grabbing her waist. Her hands flew to my shoulders as her eyes widened and she let out a small gasp. She stared at me in shock while I took a step forward. 

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