Chapter 12

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With a tap of her finger, the video went live

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With a tap of her finger, the video went live. Penelope's insides were a knot of nerves as she watched the progress bar inch forward to completion. This wasn't unusual for her. Every time a video of hers went up, she'd buzz with excitement for the next few hours, constantly checking the view counts and comments.

But this time the nerves were mixed with a new sensation—fear.

The nagging voice was back.

What if they hate it?

What if no one believes you?

Or worse, what if no one watches it?

The video finished and appeared on the screen. She waited for a second and then pulled down on the screen to refresh the content, waiting...

One by one, views began to trickle in. A few at first, then more and more. The view count quickly swelled to tens, then hundreds. She may have lots a few thousand followers in the aftermath of Daevon's revelation, but she still had plenty left. She wasn't sure why they'd stuck around, but they had.

Either way, they were watching.

And commenting. The numbers were increasing there, too.

Penelope's hands shook as she scrolled down to read them.

About time, the first comment she saw said. Took her long enough to come up with an excuse. Too bad it wasn't very good...

Of course, she'd blame Daevon, said another comment.

Penelope cringed. This was exactly how she had feared it would go. For a moment she thought about going back and deleting the video. She could pretend it never happened. She could join a convent and take a vow to stay off the internet forever. She could use the rest of her ad revenue money to buy a cabin out in the middle of nowhere, somewhere even more remote than Ridgestone...

But as more comments began to appear, Penelope managed to pull herself out of her descent into another spiral.

I KNEW something was off about Daevon's video! said a new comment. He always came off as fake. Penelope is too good for him.

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