Chapter 28

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Even after Liam returned from his house in fresh clothes, he remained mum on what he'd found in the town archives

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Even after Liam returned from his house in fresh clothes, he remained mum on what he'd found in the town archives. Penelope asked about it as they climbed back into the SUV he only replied with, "You'll see." With a roll of her eyes, Penelope gave up and resigned herself to watching the trees go by out the passenger window as they drove out of the campground.

Liam drove them back to Ridgestone and then through, coming out the other side of town, heading towards the logging camp. As they passed the usual turn-off, Penelope saw that it was now marked with a strip of neon pink tape. Seeing it sent a shiver up her spine, even though she logically knew that it was just to lead officials to the right spot.

With Liam keeping a tight lip, Penelope let herself imagine what could possibly be so interesting about the land across the river. The day before, Liam had said there were houses out that way, that people lived in the area. But if there were people around, Penelope thought, that would make it less likely that the Raven was lurking in the woods, wouldn't it?

But that had been the direction the ravens had been leading her...

The SUV bumped, jolting Penelope out of her thoughts. They had reached what appeared to be a small village that both straddled the highway and ran alongside the river. Liam turned onto one of its side streets. It was a short street, only going another block further before cutting off and splitting into another road that ran right beside the river. Liam turned onto it, driving until the road jutted right and crossed the river with a simple wooden truss bridge. The SUV rumbled beneath them as Liam drove them over it. As Penelope looked out the window, she saw that the river below was wide and turgid. Its rocky banks stretched even wider, a remnant of the spring melts and heavy rains that made the water swell and overflow.

Once they were over the river, Penelope felt the atmosphere shift. They were getting closer. She sat up a little straighter and turned to look at Liam, expecting that he'd finally tell her what he learned... But before she could even open her mouth to ask, he shook his head. Nope. He still wasn't going to share his information. Penelope frowned at him and turned back to the window. She focussed on the woods outside her window a little more, like there might be a clue in their boughs, though they didn't really look any different from the forest around the rest of the area.

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