Chapter 18

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It was almost time

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It was almost time. The link had been shared on Twitter. The stream was ready to go, counting down until they went live. Viewers were pouring into the waiting room, the chat already on fire. Liam was monitoring it as he stood behind the tripod. The phone's camera was trained on Penelope and Henry, who were seated on the couch.

Penelope was fidgeting, picking at the skin around her nails, something she only did when she was really nervous. She didn't know why she was so strung out. They had managed to get everything set up with time to sapre, allowing her to change into something a little less... casual. It wasn't much, just a nicer rib knit sweater than her usual oversized hoodie but it helped her look—and feel—a little more like she knew what she was doing.

Henry was next to her on the couch. He seemed a lot calmer, sitting still and quiet. Up close, he really did look a lot like Liam, only his hair was a much lighter brown and streaked through with grey. His eyes were a lighter shade, too, but they had the same hard, guarded stare. He looked like he made an effort, too. Gone were his groundskeeper overalls, replaced by a fresh plaid button up and a pair of new-looking jeans. It even looked like he had trimmed his beard.

"Just a minute now," Liam announced, fidgeting in his spot behind the phone camera.

Penelope gave a nod to acknowledge him. Her skin stung as icy prickles ran over her body, her nerves coming to life. Her breath came out in a shudder and she had to focus her breathing to stop it from coming out in hysterical pants. The seconds between them going live seemed to stretch on...

"And," Liam whispered. "We're live."

In an instant, Penelope felt herself pull together. Her trembling stopped, her breath evened out. She raised her eyes to meet the camera lens. She could do this.

She was ready.

"Hello again, everyone," Penelope began, straightening up from her spot on the couch. "Thank you for joining me—us," she motioned to her guest, "for a very special live interview. This is Henry Burke."

Henry, who was sitting perfectly still beside her, only stirred at the sound of his name, like he was waking out of a daze. He quickly righted himself and looked towards the phone's camera to give a small nod.

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