Chapter 5 : The Viper's Tongue

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-Mr. Duke, you...

Emerging from under a pile of blankets, the Duke looked at his butler with a sleepy eye, before dropping back with a grunt. He preferred to stay under the comforter, his wife dozing in his arms.

Gaston, the butler of House Clypeus for decades, froze in the doorway of the Shield. If he had seen his master in many states because of the fights, he had never seen him... like this. With a thin smile on his lips, he decided to take his leave, wondering how the new Duchess could so quickly melt her husband's heart.

As he heard the door quietly close, Lev knew he was going to hear about it.

He who had never had a woman in his bed in the fortress... Yes, but shit, it was Flavia, his Duchess, we were talking about!

Awake, he thought he would have to set up some new rules. Like not entering his room without being invited. But for now, he just wanted to enjoy this moment of happiness with his wife. He didn't want to wake her up, despite all the work he had to do.

Each battle put him behind in the management of his lands.

For then, he didn't care.

An hour later, he emerged again, to the sensation of Flavia's fingers caressing his silver hair. Smiling, he raised his eyes towards her. Suspending his gesture, she blushed instantly.

- How do you feel? he asked with a worried look.

She immediately understood what he was referring to.

-Everything is fine. Just... My body is not used to this kind of exercise.

He nodded. He would still ask Gaston for something for the pain. But for now, it was breakfast that was important!

When they reached a room adjacent to the kitchens, richly decorated in white and blue, his stomach was in knots. If he calculated correctly, he hadn't eaten since the wedding. No wonder he was so hungry!

His wife was not to be outdone. They ate well, while talking about the activities of the Clypeus' domain. Flavia was curious, which was quite normal. Everything that was his was now hers. He wanted her to know that.

While watching from the corner of his eye the movement of his servants, who had come to see the unrepentant bride, he thought he would have to clarify one or two points very quickly. Fortunately, everyone was smiling. Nevertheless, this kind of curiosity seemed to disturb Flavia.

Of course.

Complexed as she was by her scars, she felt like a freak. Which was far from being the case. How to explain to her that her people had nothing to do with those of the Gladia family? At least, those who had surrounded Flavia at her father's house?

The north was a harsh, hostile and lethal place.

His little finger told him that his wife had not yet dared to really look at the inhabitants of the Clypeus fortress. Everyone had their share of scars, visible or not. He was a good example. His body sacrificed to the defense of the kingdom far exceeded anyone's score in Gentem.

According to Eleazar, even the tortured did not bite as much as he did.

No wonder he's tough.

-Sir, said his butler calmly. Your mail.

He brought it to her on a silver tray. Ah... For Gaston to arrive like this, it meant that he had received one of his favorite letters. A winner. He immediately recognized the green envelope, stamped with a red wax seal. It was on top of the others. His butler always made sure to do so.

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