Chapter 19 : Tamir de Malleus

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For now, the fact that Tamir had killed someone with a sword out of nowhere was the least of their problems. Grabbing the boy by the arm, she took him to Lev's private bath, where she ordered him to stay hidden in the steam. He was not to come out under any circumstances, until she or one of the Protectors came for him.

In her blood-stained nightgown, Flavia ran out of the baths. On the bed, the man was motionless. Since his upper body was no longer attached to his legs, she didn't have to worry about that.

Leaving the room, she made her way to the source of the screams. At a run, she arrived at the top of the stairs, to see a scene of carnage.

Dozens of soldiers were there, fighting with the Clypeus ' guards. Some were half-dressed, some women still wearing their night caps. When Flavia saw one of the attackers climbing the steps four by four in her direction, she understood the gravity of the situation.

They were overwhelmed by the enemy, caught by surprise in their sleep, in the absence of the Duke and the Northern Battalion.

She thought of Tamir, covered in blood in the baths.

Fury seizing her, she stared into the soldier's eyes, his face transfigured by the lust for murder. Flashing her bow in her hands, she clearly saw him slow down. But it was too late.

The arrow, loaded with full power, blew off his skull, before blowing the front door of the fortress. There was a moment's pause below. Everyone looked at her with wide eyes. Everyone saw her bow and her expression.

Did they think they could kill the Shield woman to weaken her?

Very good.

Unlucky for them, she could fight.

-For the Duke! she roared, notching a new arrow.

A roar answered him. Galvanized, the soldiers of the Clypeus fought like demons. Because of the numerical inferiority, the defense of the fortress was weak.

However, not one of them gave in.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Flavia notched arrow after arrow, being careful not to use all her power this time. They didn't want to hurt their own people. Unfortunately, their attackers soon realized that they had to shoot her first.

There were others in the building. How they got upstairs, Flavia would not know until much later. The kitchens had been attacked too, along with the service staircase. The traitor had made them a map of the place.

Caught off guard, she saw a blade rushing towards her.

The blade spun in the air in a spray of blood.

No !

Tamir was between her and the three mercenaries who had come to take her on. Well, two, since the third had just had his arm cut off by the boy. But what the...

Taking advantage of the confusion, Flavia put two arrows in her bow and shot them at full speed. They went in two different directions, and they hit the skulls of the soldiers, who fell, dead on the spot.

-There are others, said Tamir.

In the hallway leading to the back stairs, four more men were coming running. How many of them were there, for God's sake? How many had been sent to eradicate the fortress!? How many had been sent to hurt Lev!?

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