Chapter 7 : The Sincerity of the Duchess

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Lev had spent the rest of the day blowing off steam at practice.

If he had always been a sharp-tongued man, he was still aware that he had crossed the line with Flavia's father. And he hated it. As a Shield, he had a rigor that he never applied to his word, it was true.

But he very rarely came to blows with humans.

Under normal circumstances, he didn't need it.

His title, his function and his reputation stopped most people.

There... Seeing his father raise his hand against Flavia filled him with rage. His soldiers had understood this because they had quickly abandoned the idea of training with him. They were content to put a new dummy in front of him, without even waiting for him to ask them.

How was he going to make dinner tonight?

Flavia must have been in shock. They hadn't spoken since they got home.

-Lev, we need you on the northern front.

The Shield looked down at his collar, from which Eleazar 's voice came. He gritted his teeth. This was not the time. He had to talk to his wife. But... he couldn't deviate from a call.

Especially not to a call on the northern front.

-Soldiers! he roared. Departure in two minutes!


He had barely given her a glance.

Standing in the outer teleportation courtyard, Flavia had met her husband's violet eyes just before he disappeared into the blue disk. Mmh... He had seemed surprised to see her.

As he seemed to have an excess of rage to evacuate, she had let him lash out at the dummies. But this call to arms was rather ill-timed. Reflectively, she stared at the portal through which the soldiers were entering, following their Duke. If she had understood correctly, he always entered first. Like the leader of men that he was.


The whisper in her ear made her close her eyes briefly. Obviously. The respite was short-lived for her too.

Turning on her heels, she went straight to the room she shared with the Duke. Discretion was best, for now. She would talk to the Duke later. Just as she should tell him about this business with her father.

Touching the ear chip she always wore, she whispered:

-Eleazar, it's okay.

Immediately, a portal opened in front of her, casting blue shadows on the walls and the floor. The Mage came out of it, with an annoyed look.

-You're going to have to talk to Lev about this soon. We're wasting time with this.

-I know that, she said with a shrug. But we haven't had the chance yet.

-I see. Come on, let's go.

Touching his shoulder, he made a light armor appear on his body. It had nothing to do with the massive appearance of the Shield's, and for good reason. One of this weight would have bothered Flavia considerably.

-May the Gods watch over you, Protector of the Shadow.

Flavia nodded, as she moved through the portal.

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