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Olivia fixed Felix's suit as they got ready for the funeral. She was wearing a pretty black dress with matching heels and the cheesy matching necklace her sister got her.

She used to not like it, but now she never took it off. As they got ready they caught up with each other, she missed her brother a lot. They had a really good bond before he left. She told him about her friends and he told her about his.

Sadly Hyunjin didn't come up, Felix knew what he did was unforgivable and understood that Hyunjin would probably never want to see him again. He was sure by now the older had moved on.

"Kids! It's time to leave."

The two quickly got into the car and silently rode to the destination spot.

It was a pretty setting with a beautiful looking sky. He liked to believe the sky looked special because of her. He smiled as he looked up, Olivia interlaced her fingers with Felix's and the two walked to the spot.

They were finally allowing the family to go up and say their last goodbyes. He walked up, she still looked as beautiful as ever. He smiled and said his last goodbyes and waited for his sister.

She looked at her, this would be the last time. She looked pretty in her dress, Olivia looked down and noticed the necklace. It was the same matching one she got them years ago. She smiled at the memory as one single tear slowly fell down from her pretty eyes.

She said her goodbyes and walked back to Felix's side. They sat back down and stayed in their seats until the end and watched as she slowly decended into the ground. This was the last time they'd see her.

In the end people bid their goodbyes and apologies for their lost. A couple of girls came in a group with visible tears. "We're sorry for your loss, she was a really good person. " They smiled at the group and thanked them before heading home.

Felix couldn't sleep, to much was going through his mind. He missed his Hyunjin so bad. In a time like this Hyunjin was the only one who could cheer him up. He smiled at the memories of the two together as he looked through their photos.

A small tear fell from his eyes and down his spotted cheeks. "I miss you."
He then swiped and it was a picture of all of them. Having fun together, he smiled at it, "I miss you all."

He fell asleep with his phone in his hand, laying on the carpeted ground.

Felix outfit:

Olivia outfit:

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