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It was that one faithful day, they saw a glimpse of what their future was to be.

It all happened to quickly. Suddenly and so unreal they didn't want to believe it.
The words ripped through their lives like the tip of a knife to a tapestry, destroying everything.

"...spread to quickly to do anything. You have about two months at most. I'm sorry sir."

The two stared at the doctor blankly. She bowed before leaving them alone in the room. Felix turned towards Hyunjin making everything much harder when he saw a tear drop from his eye.

His voice came out shaky but he tried his hardest to steady it. "It's going to be okay."

Hyunjin looked at him, "how cou-, how could you say that. It's not going to be okay. H-, no, no. This isn't happening." He broke down into his husband's arms. Felix tried not to cry but it was impossible as he held Hyunjin in his arms.

The sobs he let out were horrible. Felix could feel his anguish from the agonizing cry. He blanked out as he held him, he didn't know what to do. What to say at a time like this.

Was there anything he really could do? "Hyunjin, look at me please." Felix grabbed his Husband's face gently, like touching the soft petals on a flower.

"Listen to me okay? Slow down and listen to my voice." Felix smiled and breathed with his husband, waiting for his breathing to come back to normal. "We're going to be okay."

Hyunjin kissed Felix, the emotions interlaced into it like a poison entering the blood stream. Their tears mixed as their bodies melded together. Hyunjin pulled away and looked at Felix, tears still falling down his face.

"How are you so calm?" He brushed away a strand of the man's hair from his delicate features. Felix smiled, "because I have you."


They spent the day in bed together, cuddled up together. They hadn't told their daughter the news yet, didn't know how to. They still hadn't processed it all themselves.

"We can get you treatment right? And then you're going to recover. Then you'll grow old with me. Right?" Hyunjin asked as he looked at Felix who lay next to him. Felix sighed as he held onto Hyunjin. "You heard what the doctor said."

"No, I don't care what they said. We can beat this. Don't give up so easily, maybe the diagnosis was wrong."

Felix chuckled softly, "you're rambling honey." Hyunjin buried his head into the crook of his husband's neck where he felt safe. Felix could feel wet tears touching his neck.

"I lost you once...

I can't lose you again."

His whisper was softly spoken, barely auditable if it weren't for him being so close.

"It'll be okay," Felix whispered as he kissed his husband on top of his head and snuggled closer to the warmth of his body.


Years later Hyunjin was sitting outside with Felix enjoying his company. They were enjoying the fresh air and the beaming sunlight that shone down on them.

"You look so pretty today honey." Hyunjin mumbled as he looked up. He touched the flower that lay on the gravestone.

It him like a train wreck.

Life was ripped away from him before he could enjoy it enough. He cried everyday for months, small things triggered him. He didn't think he'd ever get over it. Why had life been so cruel to him. Giving him something so wonderful just to steal it from him.

What did he do so terribly in order for his Felix to be taken away from him? Not only him, from the lives of other people as well.

He forced himself to smile as he looked at the carving on the stone. "Hana graduated High school yesterday," he smiled, "you should have seen her smile. She knows you're proud of her."

As he spoke tears spilled in his eyes. Memories of the two played in his head so clearly it pained his heart.


The day he confessed...

"Felix I have to tell you something."

"I love you."


"I love you too."


When they reunited...

"Felix I still love you. I never stopped loving you. I just...I thought you'd never come back to me."

Hyunjin I never stopping thinking about you. The only thing on my mind was you. It hurt me most to leave you, I should have said something. Things were just happening to fast."

"I understand. I just wanted you to know that I still love you, and that's never going to change."


Just them together after so much...

"I'm so glad we met," Felix mumbled as he pushed himself more into the others embrace.

Hyunjin entangled their hands together, "I love you so much," and kissed him lovingly.


Hyunjin woke up in a cold sweat. His breathing irregular, his chest falling up and down so quickly he thought it was going to burst.

"Hyunjin?" His head whipped around so quickly at the voice. The cry he almost let out when he saw his husband in perfect health laying down next to him.

He threw himself on him quickly, smothering him with so many kisses. "I love you so much."

He kissed Felix's neck, "never leave me please." Felix rubbed a hand through his hair, "I love you, it was just a nightmare that's all."

Hyunjin sighed in relief, it was so realistic. He gripped his husband's side harder, just to make sure he was really there.

Felix chuckled, "I'm not going anywhere my love, trust me." He kissed him on top of his head.

The rest of the night Hyunjin refused to let him go and they slept just like that. Their bodies laced together like fabric.


Please PLEASE tell me I fooled somebody with that😭

Anyways, I just got a bit bored and decided that idea sounded good :)

Good morning/Good Afternoon/Good Night <33

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