𝔸dventure Time

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Nicki was half asleep as she stumbled through the camp. Thalia had a grip on the girl's hand, dragging her behind her.

Thalia let Nicki go, disappearing into the Hermes' cabin to grab Nicki's bag, while Nicki turned and made her way to Percy's door.

Percy opened the door before Nicki had even knocked. The girl just waved, covering her mouth with her other hand as she yawned.

Percy smiled, taking in her sleepy state.

Nicki's hair had been messily french braided that morning by Thalia. She was wearing black athletic leggings and, under her aviator jacket, a very oversized grey hoodie with a burgundy M.I.T. and logo plastered across the chest.


Nicki hummed, rubbing her eye with her balled-up fist. For the first time since Percy met her, she didn't have any sort of eyeliner on. "It's my dad's."

"Do you want to go there too?"

Nicki shrugged. "I'm 14, Perseus. I've got a while to wait."

Percy nodded, a bubble of something positive in his stomach.

"Ash! We gotta go!" Thalia's voice travelled across the slowly brightening camp. Nicki waved, letting her know she was coming.

Percy grabbed Nicki's arm impulsively, pulling her against his chest. Nicki let out a surprised noise. She wrapped her arms around his waist, breathing in his ocean breeze smell deeply.

Percy buried his head in her hair. The sweet smell of honey-filled his nose. The scent of her hair matched the vanilla scent that radiated from whatever shower gel she used.

Nicki was the one who pulled away, an unseen blush coating her cheeks. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Stay safe."

She waved, turning and jogging across the snowy grass, more awake than she was previously.

Thalia tossed Nicki's bag at her, smacking the girl roughly in the face. "Oh." Nicki whimpered, rubbing her nose dejectedly.

Thalia didn't apologise. Instead, the older girl wrapped her arm around Nicki's shoulders, propelling her toward the Camp entrance.

Bianca, Zoë, and Grover were already present.

Nicki smiled apologetically for keeping them waiting. She stifled a yawn, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Thalia didn't look even remotely remorseful as she tossed her bag in the White Camp Half-Blood minivan's trunk. "Ash." Thalia clapped her hands, ready to catch Nicki's bag.

"She shoots," Nicki began, firing her bag toward the minivan. It landed just about inside the truck.

Thalia shoved it in with her leg, pretending it landed perfectly. "She scores!"

Nicki sniggered, high fiving Thalia.

"Are you always this late?" Zoë questioned.

Thalia shrugged, pulling Nicki's thick brown leather-bound spellbook out of her bag for her.

"We just had to say goodbye to Percy. He's just so devastated he can't come." Nicki said, catching her spellbook. Nicki cast her eyes pointedly around the assembled demigods before laughing.

"What are you doing?" Zoë cried, staring horrified at Nicki's book.

"Uh... magic?"

"That is Hecate's spellbook!"

"Yes, thank you. I'd hope so."

Zoë let out a strangled sound.

"What Zoë is trying to say, is that Hecate's spellbook is a sign of a bad omen." Bianca stepped up next to the Luitenant, staring Nicki down. "It's a sign of death."

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