𝔸merican Gladiator Warrior?

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Nicki crossed her arms and leant against the wall behind her. She was underground in a stone chamber, mere feet away from the mountain's entrance.

Luke and another half-blood warrior were studying a map by flashlight.

Luke cursed. "It should've been the last turn." He crumpled up the map and tossed it aside.

"Sir!" his companion protested.

"Maps are useless here," Luke said. "Don't worry. I'll find it."

"Sir is it true that the larger the group—"

"The more likely you get lost? Yes, that's true. Why do you think we sent out solo explorers, to begin with? But don't worry. As soon we have the thread, we can lead the vanguard through."

"But how will we get the thread?"

Luke stood, flexing his fingers. "Oh, Quintus will come through. All we have to do is reach the arena, and it's at the juncture. Impossible to get anywhere without passing it. That's why we must have a truce with its master. We just have to stay alive until—"

"Need any help?"

Luke spun around. A released smile melted onto his face.

Nicki let out a surprised yelp as Luke slammed into her body. She wrapped her arms loosely around his shoulders.

The other demigod averted his gaze to the rough stone floor. He had an uncomfortable look on his face. Nicki couldn't blame him however, it was probably extremely unnerving to see the leader of your army bear tackling a teenage girl.

Luke bent his neck to get closer to Nicki's ear. "How are you?"

Nicki shrugged, not bothering to hide her smile. "Oh, I'm great," she muttered into Luke's shoulder.

"We're not."

"Yeah, I can see that. Are you missing your living map?"

"Shut up," Luke released his grip on Nicki but kept his arm around her shoulder. "Maps aren't my friend."

"What is your friend, Luke?"

"You won't be if you don't watch it."

Nicki held her hands up defensively. "Shiver my timbers."

Luke rolled his eyes and guided Nicki out of the room. The corridors were bursting at the seams with giants, dracaenae, demigods, telekhines, and stranger things: bat-winged demons and creatures that seemed half-human and a half you name it—bird, reptile, insect, mammal.

Nicki's eyes trailed around the stone brick tunnel. She searched for a familiar head of black hair.


"Ethan!" Nicki threw herself into the boy's arms. "I missed you!"

The Japanese boy chuckled. Ethan looked like a ghost in the torchlight. He rubbed Nicki's back softly. "I missed you too. We've been lost as sh-"

Luke held up his finger. "Ah. Language."

"We've been ever so slightly lost. Luke isn't the biggest fan of maps."

"I've heard they aren't the biggest fans of him either."

"Oi!" Luke tugged Nicki out of Ethan's arms. "I'll separate you two if you don't stop making fun of my map skills."

Nicki rolled her eyes but didn't reply.

"Can we get moving?" Ella piped up. Thomas elbowed her harshly but she didn't look remotely bothered.

"Lead the way, Driscoll." Luke motioned for the girl to walk ahead of him.

Nicki sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes flickered shut as she blocked out the noise of the Titan Army.

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