The bet

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A/n: Thank you so much for the views! I didn't really expect anyone to read it at first <3

I know I haven't come straight to the point, but most of the storyline starts in this chapter. I still hope you like the story so far, feel free to vote or comment :)

I ripped the posters off the wall, curled them and threw it in the trash beside the wall. Apple Jack let out a annoyed noise, making her face turn red.

I felt the urge to rip my eyes off as I rubbed my face long.

How could they possibly write that, for school!? We continued being in the empty hallway ripping posters off the wall. «Dash, there is no point. People have probably seen them though,» Apple Jack mentioned. «Usually everyone uses their time spying on each other like foxes waiting to attack their prey.»

«I mean- Like- How- Why the hell would they do that?» I asked. I didn't really find the words to use. Trying not to be too brutal towards the young girls.

«I'm not lesbian,» Apple Jack said. The urge to say «me neither» was tempting, but I mean: I was a raging lesbian. Everyone kind of knew that.

I moved my mouth a bit, until I looked down at the floor saying nothing. It got pretty awkward. I felt my cheeks warming up as I leant my forehead towards the wall, making it hidden. I was trying to look frustrated.

Wow, I'm smart.

Rarity walked in between us. «Well, I mean. You two have been a little...» she said while cleaning her throat. It seemed like she tried to find the right words. «Like what, Rarity?» Apple Jack hissed.

I knew exactly what she meant. We barely talked, and moments with her made my whole body nervous. Like a weird warm feeling, but how could that possibly be interpreted as love?

I felt weird after spending too much time with her. She gave me lack confidence, making my legs shake like a fool.

«Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Apple Jack?» a familiar voice interrupted. It was vice-principal Luna standing behind us. «You're late to class,» she said inquisitively. Her eyes was on the paper trash.

«Sorry, we were just confused because-» Rarity started explaining before she got interrupted by me. «We...» I started while thinking of an excuse. «Don't know where our class is!» I added. Rarity was holding an awkward smile

Luna continued looking at us, like we were hiding something. «After all these years going at CHS, you suddenly don't remember where your class is?» she asked sarcastically while raising an eyebrow.

I looked at Apple Jack who was sweating over her whole face. Like a pot boiling over. I knew she refused to lie.

Before we could start speaking, Luna sighed heavy. «Well, I suggest you'll have to go to your textile class,» she said standing there waiting for us to go.

«Straight forward to the left.» We looked awakened and walked towards the classroom.


The class were great enough, except for the part where I got some judgy looks.

Honestly all I thought about in this class was Apple Jack. Why did everyone ship me with her? That's crazy!

I looked over at Apple Jack being a bit pink on her cheeks. Maybe she was thinking about the same thing?

What exactly made her so nervous though? I mean, it isn't really that bad being shipped with such an awesome athlete as me? I wouldn't mind if I stood in her place.

«What's up with you two?» Twilight asked me and Apple Jack at the lunch table. I was eating pasta (chewing heavier than usual).

«Rarity, you tell,» I grunted. She looked unsure at both of us before opening her mouth, but before she could-

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