Five: The "Date"

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"This is a nice place," I said, as I walked my way over to the front entrance of the restaurant. "I wasn't expecting somewhere so elegant," I ended, as I looked back to Liam behind me. Laughing, he held open the single pane door of the two story, lantern lit, white restaurant for me.

"Well, I told you it was my favorite place to go. I wouldn't disappoint or anything," he laughed again, making me realize how much of an incredible sense of humor he had. I liked it. "Table for two, first story please," he told the hostess, who wore the tightest, shortest black dress I had ever seen in my life. She definitely wore it well, however, so I guess it was okay...

"Right this way," she replied mostly to Liam than the both of us, but I could really care less. "Here you go, your waitress will be right with you," she smiled, before walking back to help another couple who arrived. As we waited for our waitress, I couldn't help but look around at the amazing place we were sitting in. We were placed in the middle of an elegant, white room, with tables around us everywhere and an upstairs in which you could look down to the first story from. It was the fanciest place any guy had ever taken me.

"Hello, my names is Kaline and I will be serving you tonight. Anything I can start you two off with? Drinks? Appetizers? Here are the menus," our waitress, Kaline said, as she handed out small, fine menus draped in white lace. 

"I'll take a Frozen Margarita," Liam said almost immediately.

 "And I'll have a French Martini," I told, pressured to order faster than I was used to.

"I'll be right back with those," she smiled, before setting off towards the back where she made the drinks. Everything was then silent between Liam and I, until the drinks arrived and we ordered our food.

 "I've been bugging to ask, and don't take this personal or anything, but when do you get that cast off your leg?" Liam asked, sending me to look down at my cast. It was a dull white color, but with socks on could be anything you wanted. Today, it was black to match the flat I wore on my other tiny, size six foot.

 "When I was in, the doctor said it would take one to two months in order for the bone I broke to heal properly. Even when I get the cast off however, I will still have difficulty walking by myself again," I told, as I looked up to notice him looking down at my leg propped to the side of the table as well.

 "Wow, and you did that much damage just from slipping on ice?" he asked me again, making me worry once more. He was smart, which a part of me loved, but another part of me was afraid he would see through my lies. And nothing good came out of that...

 "Yeah, it was a nasty fall," I hesitated, lying again. He nodded, as he looked over at me smiling. "Why are you smiling? Are you imagining me falling or something?" I laughed, joking with him.              

 "Of course not. I would never want to see anyone get hurt. I was only smiling because I remembered that day at the grocery store. You were wearing a hazel colored sock over your cast and it really matched your eye color well," he smiled lopsided, proud I presume of what he had said. He really took a lot of notice in me...

 "Why thanks, but that puffy green coat you had on met yours even better!" I excited back, feeling even more proud that I had noticed his eye color as well. Laughing, he nodded and thanked me, sending me to laugh along with him.


 "Do you want to come in? My fiancé doesn't get home till midnight. But knowing him he will be here at two in the morning. We could have a few drinks?" I asked Liam, as he pulled into my driveway and was helping me out of the car.

When Love Is Forgottenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें