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Chapter 51

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Daniel stopped in front of the gate. For the first time in our journey, I didn't see a single person watching us. Strongholds always had sentries. This truck wasn't exactly quiet, so they knew we were here.

I sniffed the air as Daniel tapped the horn to announce our presence. If there were even a hundred people inside, I'd be surprised. I'd never come across such a small Stronghold before.

When no one appeared in the guard towers or came outside, Daniel frowned and honked the horn again. Perhaps they planned to ignore us until we left, which wasn't the worst way of being told to go away.

This time, a man appeared in one of the guard towers and scowled down at us. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

His disrespectful tone had me glaring up at him.

Somehow keeping his cool, Daniel leaned out of the driver's window and called back, "We're travelers from Ironwind Stronghold. As you know, the third wave is almost upon us, and people have started sneezing. We have a few ways to detect who is infected before they sneeze, and we also have a cure with us."

"And what proof do you have that you aren't lying bandits?"

My glare deepened as I wondered if the man's tone could possibly get any more condescending. I'm beginning to think those two people had different reasons for going to another Stronghold...

It didn't escape my attention that Daniel took a slow breath to control his temper. The insults wouldn't be doing his instincts any favors. In fact, as a Terror, it'd be hitting him harder than me.

"Feel free to search us, but other than a few knives and a sword, we have no weapons," Daniel finally replied. I did my best to keep a straight face since I already had a crowbar in my hand. Did it count as a dangerous tool or a weapon? Daniel continued, "Even if I'm a zombie, four mostly unarmed people shouldn't pose a risk to a Stronghold if you want me to help sniff out the infected who haven't started sneezing. If you don't wish us to enter, we can leave the cure and continue on."

As Daniel spoke, several people poked their heads above the fence and gawked at the red-eyed zombie driving the truck. They talked among themselves and with the first man, debating if the cure was real or not, as well as if it was worth having a zombie searching through the place. I could pick out some of the louder voices, although Daniel could probably hear all of it.

A voice from the other guard post called out, "I'm not sure about the other three, but I'll vouch for the woman with the sunglasses."

That was the absolute last thing I expected to hear, especially when I didn't recognize the voice. I examined the man everyone was now looking at. You have got to be kidding me...

In theory, I knew I should have expected it, but it hadn't crossed my mind I'd meet the man who had been lurking by the zombie pit during our last trip, even though we were only a day's drive away from where I had encountered him.

The first man didn't seem happy, but replied, "If you're willing to take responsibility for them, we can let them in. Three are women, so I can't see them getting into much trouble, regardless of how hard they try. I don't trust that zombie though."

This guy is so wrong he could build a bridge to the moon with his assumptions. Not to mention Nicky would probably chase him across the entire thing if she got into the coffee.

The man who had originally planned to kill three Nightstalkers to avenge his brother shrugged. "Fine. Let them in."

In response to Daniel, Nina, and Nicky's questioning expressions, I murmured, "Keep your eyes open."

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