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Chapter 63

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From the shadows between the trees, I glanced at the Stronghold once more, but everything was still quiet. The guards in the towers kept an eye on the four normal zombies circling the fence, or at least as much as they could in the darkness.

I hadn't picked up any hint of a higher-ranked zombie, so I had some time to wander a bit. The moonlight streamed through the leaves above and illuminated small patches of the forest floor.

It looked picturesque, but I could still smell the humans and their Stronghold.

With a faint growl, I drifted between the trees, wondering how far I'd have to go before I'd find clean air and forest where their hunters and gatherers hadn't recently gone.

The deer I'd killed earlier had taken care of my hunger and leveled my mood a bit, but if this crowded feeling didn't abate, there was a good chance I'd end up snarling at someone tomorrow.

It was almost a pity I hadn't found a wandering Runner to snarl at. The only one in the area was locked up in a barn. Regular zombies weren't interested in rank and looked at you like you were an idiot if you tried to challenge them. Nor was I in the right mood to shred a few trees.

A wrestling match would suffice, although I didn't feel like an audience, and Daniel wouldn't leave the group unprotected to go outside of the fence. I stashed that idea away for tomorrow in case my frame of mind took a dip further south. Daniel could take a few hits from me, at least if my blows managed to connect. I didn't particularly feel like losing, which put a damper on that idea.

The lack of easy answers was almost as frustrating as my inability to handle being around people for more than eight hours on a good day. And if Nicky got into any coffee at this stop, my tolerance levels would plummet into non-existence.

My footsteps sped up into a light run as I tried to burn off some energy. Such a thing worked with Nicky, so it was worth a shot.

Fifteen minutes later, I gave up. Nope. That didn't really help.

I gazed up at the moon, which was just a slender silver crescent. Was there a chance a sane Nightstalker might be in the area and up for a friendly wrestling match? My luck had seen stranger things.

The humans shouldn't hear a proximity call from this far away, and even if the guards did, they'd assume it was some other creature way out in the forest.

My lungs filled with air, and my instincts shifted as the low, creepy, owl-like call left my lips. I tilted my head and waited in silence. A wolf pack in the distance began howling in response.

Seconds ticked by, and after half a minute, I shook my head. Either no sane Nightstalker was around, or they didn't want any company. I hadn't picked up any hints of one, so the outcome was expected, but it had been worth a shot.

The wolf pack was still howling for all it was worth, although the sound was getting fainter. A deadly creature announces its presence, and the guardian wolves sound the alarm before hightailing it away. I snorted and shook my head before continuing through the forest.

At least I couldn't smell the Stronghold from here.

I found a couple of dead trees that hadn't fallen down, so I half-heartedly corrected that wildfire hazard, although it still didn't lift my mood. I meandered through the forest aimlessly, hoping its calm ambiance would help me relax.

A familiar echoing call made me whirl around in place with bared teeth as my instincts surged in outrage. The proximity call was some distance away, probably close to where I had originally called, but there was one gigantic problem.

It was my call.

I knew my call and my voice like the back of my hand. Each Nightstalker had a slightly different call. Like a signature, it was unique. Generally, it was impossible to replicate someone else's call, even if you tried. My eyes narrowed as I headed back in that direction.

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