Part 6: Do you remember the promise we made ?

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It's okay
I can understand
Your actions and
Why you chose distance

I know more than anyone
That I deserve nothing less
Than what you give
Because it's my turn
To go through the
Dreaded paths
Which you walked through

I didn't know
That the walls I built
Would affect anybody
Cause I've been a nobody
For so long
That I thought no one would care

No apologies can make mends
For my self destructive behaviors
Been cold to the ones I loved
Now I look back and regret
If only I could've fixed myself
I wouldn't have let others bleed

Now everything's coming
To full circle
I'll write it better
This time around
Making sure I don't repeat
What I did before

Do remember
That I keep my promises
I meant what I said
Nothings gonna change
No matter what

Cause I still believe
There's nothing
That can't be fixed
If only we would
Be open to mend
What we already had
Before I messed it all up

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