Part 20: Undeserving of love maybe but I can always have some self love 💕

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My friends tell me
How my eyes beam
When I talk about
how much I love you

Maybe that's why
They've never asked me
To move on from you

They ask me if it's real
In utter disbelief that
You can love someone so deeply
From the bottom of your heart

I wonder if someday
Someone would love me
As much as I love you
With their eyes beaming
With love that's just for me

I'd say now that
Only hope I have about love
Is because I know that
I hold this power to love
So unconditionally
And I don't seem
to want anything
In return for it

So I know for sure
That there is still hope
For love
Cause there'd be more like me
who'd love so deep

But sometimes
Hope isn't all that's enough
I can't help but think
Am I being hard on myself
Am I justifying the hurt
Just cause I love you so much

I fight this thought everyday
I feel like all I'll ever be
Is an option
And I think I don't deserve
To be loved

And no you're not to blame
It's all the past experiences
I've always had
But you were the one
Who'd made me feel
That I had something
special in me
When all I felt was like
Nothing but a loser

Well I know I'm nothing special
I'm just me
Boring as it might sound
But I guess that's all I can be
I know someday I won't feel
This way

I'll love me a little more
I'll give her all she needs
I have always been there for her
At her worst
We fought so many battles together
I can't number how many
As of till today

But the comfort I have
Knowing that everyone else
could leave me
But I'll have me and she won't
Give up on me is something

You know why she does that?
There is that little girl
With lot of dreams
Of making it big
And showing the world
That she is worthy and enough
And for her I'd fight
And it's just for her that I fight

I love you baby girl
And that's for you today

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