Part 27: Please don't take my sunshine away

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Couldn't have been
More grateful for these days
Feels so surreal and peaceful
As if I'm wrapped in some
Comfy blankets
Keeping me warm and cozy

You come in like the sun
When all my days
Are just dark and cloudy
To make them bright and warm
I pour down like the monsoon rain
But then you're always there
To wipe down these tears
Falling off my cheeks

I don't know what I did
To deserve you may I say
I just want this to be here
For the rest of my life
Can't imagine another day
To live without you in it

But then it scares me
Happiness has never been
A constant in my life
All I've had is darkness and pain
So I fear of the dark days
Returning back into my life

The only prayer I have these days
Is to give me strength to
protect what I have
And god please don't take
My sunshine away
Cause that's all I've ever needed
All this life and for the rest of mine

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