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akaashi had been sitting at the table next to the balcony with his laptop and papers spread out on the surface. his eyes glanced down at y/n every now and then to find her either at the front desk or walking around to put books away.

she made her way up to akaashi when it was her break time to find him leaning his head back to look at the ceiling with his ankles crossed and his chair leaning on the back two legs.

quietly, she made her way behind him and placed both hands on his shoulders while lowering her mouth to his ear. "boo." akaashi dropped his chair back on all fours and turned his head to glare at the grinning girl behind him. "did you teachers never tell you about what happens to the kids who lean back in their chair?"

"must have slipped my mind."

"write anything that satisfied you?" y/n moved to sit next to him and turned her whole body towards him instead of just her head.

"i started rewriting the first chapter again and then got ideas for the next chapter in the middle of it so i had to stop and write that down before continuing the chapter." akaashi pointed his pen to the open notebook. "and then i stopped to think."

"i don't know if that's good or bad."

"yeah, i have no clue either." akaashi ran his pointer finger across his keyboard before deleting the letters he had typed.

"i liked the first chapter. a few grammar errors and a few misspells but it was really good. i can tell you're a good writer and i 've only read one chapter of your writing."

"i always end up writing chapters five times before settling with one version of it." he admitted.

"give yourself a break." y/n suggested and nudged akaashi's foot with her own. "you've been up here for hours and you haven't gotten up once. that's probably not so good for the brain."

"i'm still going to be thinking about it if i'm on a break." akaashi told her, but pushed his laptop and notebook across the table.

"then talk to me. get your mind off of it."

"what are these random colors around the store?" akaashi asked with no second thought. there were streaks of paint that were all over the place. the floor, railing, stairs, tables, and even some on the wall.

"oh, that. i come in here and paint sometimes and just prop the canvas wherever there's a free spot. especially when i was younger i used to just sit on the stairs and paint while my parents worked."

"that explains it." akaashi let his thumb trace one of the purple paint lines on the wooden surface before looking back at y/n who was picking at the sleeves on her sweater. "are the paintings on the walls yours?"

she turned her head to look at a few of the paintings that her father had insisted that she displayed at the store. "yeah. my parents thought it would be good decoration and then they could brag about their kid if customers ever ask."

"that's sweet."

"mhm, my sister is a dancer and my parents always drag me to her recitals even though i always say i'll be there. they put up pictures of her shows all over the front desk and bulletin board." y/n opened her phone to show some pictures and videos to akaashi. "this one was at her latest one."

there was a picture of kenji who was holding up the phone in a selfie and had one arm wrapped around emika while y/n was in the back, taking a picture of her sister. "dad likes to take pictures of him and mom and forget he has two children sometimes."

akaashi leaned over to look at the picture and mainly focused his eyes on y/n. "you look pretty in this picture."

"you can't even see my face."

sparks fly - k. akaashi Where stories live. Discover now