rainy day

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it was raining again.

akaashi quickly paid his taxi driver and said a thank you before he got out and stood in front of the bookstore.

the bookstore that he loved more than any other store he's been to. the bookstore that he's sat in for hours at a time without feeling pressured to write. the bookstore that he sat at to watch y/n work and then run up to him for a quick conversation when there weren't any customers.

the bookstore that's held so many great memories for him and he wanted to keep making memories there.

he pushed open the door and heard the soft bell noise as he entered. the warm glow of the lights were a heavy contrast of the grey and gloomy skies outside. walking into the bookstore was like a blanket covering your body on a cold snow day.

emika and kenji were in a conversation when akaashi walked in and kenji turned his head to look over his shoulder at him. his usual greeting wasn't being said and instead he just stared at the new addition to the store, his expression unreadable.

emika wasn't looking at akaashi as intimidating as her husband was, but it was definitely far from the smile he was starting to get used to and her hello's.

she placed a hand on kenji's arm and he looked back to her, his expression softening a little. "hello akaashi." she spoke up but there was no smile or anything.

"hello." he shifted his feet. "is y/n here?" emika shook her head. "oh. i thought she had work today.."

"i made her leave early." kenji leaned against the counter and crossed his arms while he spoke. "she was two seconds away from falling asleep on the book cart." akaashi knew that somehow that was his doing.

"did she head back to her apartment?"

"probably not." kenji knew that she wouldn't have gone straight back to the apartment. "you know how she is." akaashi nodded and started walking out.

"you don't know where she is?" he was going to try the coffee shop next but there was a good chance she wouldn't be there.

"she just left after saying bye. didn't specify where she was going." kenji shrugged. "i told her to go back to her place and sleep."

the three people in the store knew that she wouldn't have gone to sleep. "well, thank you." akaashi kept one hand on the door handle but turned his head to kenji and emika. "i'm really sorry about last night. not showing up and all.." he didn't know why but he felt the need to apologize to them as well.

"akaashi, the one you should be apologizing to is my daughter." kenji responded.

"i know." akaashi walked out the door and began his walk to the coffee shop. there was a heavy chance that she wouldn't be there, but this was the only place besides her apartment that he knew she would be at.

when he reached the coffee shop he walked inside and looked around. there was a couple with a little baby boy sitting on the dad's lap, two teenagers who were still wearing their uniforms, and an older woman sitting in the corner of the shop.

"hey." akaashi looked over at one of the workers. a few of the workers had recognized akaashi and y/n from the multiple times they came by. the two of them were entertainment for the workers during their shifts. "she left about five minutes ago. just before you came in." akaashi was already heading for the door.

"thank you."

he quickly made his way down the sidewalk and searched for one person. then he saw her.

akaashi didn't care that he was dripping from head to toe. he didn't care that he probably looked like a drowned rat. he didn't care that he was receiving looks from the people on the streets.

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