sticky notes

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akaashi refused to let go of y/n's pinky even during the dinner. they both settled with eating with one hand the whole time and only let go of each other when someone would walk behind them.

he was talking with kiyo and daiki while y/n was trying to get daiki's daughter, lana, to say akaashi. "akaashi." she exaggerated the movement of her mouth so lana could see. "a- ka- shi."

"ahgasee." lana tried her best and looked up at y/n.

"close enough." she slumped back against her chair and looked over at akaashi who looked a lot less nervous than when he first came through the door. he managed to keep what he said and talk to every member of her family for a good fifteen minutes. everyone seemed to love him and didn't have a single critical or negative thought about him.

he even helped kenji and june with the dishes after dinner. since emika and kiyo cooked, the other two took over cleaning.

"i like your family." akaashi dropped into the couch next to y/n while he had lana in her lap and was attempting to get her to say akaashi's name again.

"they like you too." y/n titled lana towards akaashi. "don't you like him, lana?"

"kaasi!" lana raised her arms up towards him and he looked at y/n for help.

"kaashi." she corrected. "i took out the a to see if that would help her pronounce your name. wanna hold her?"

"no." akaashi replied almost immediately.

"okay." she returned to lana and tickled the baby's stomach and watched she lana let out tiny laughs and tried to push her hands away.

akaashi's eyes were glued on y/n's face and his attention never strayed away from her once. she could feel his gaze against the side of her face and fought the urge to look back at him.

i think my heart exploded and grew at the same time when i saw you with lana that night. i've never liked the way people called me "kaashi" until i heard it come out of your mouth. i'd probably let you call me anything you wanted from just my name to whatever silly nickname you could find.

"what happened to the cat?" emika asked and looked over at daiki who shrugged. "there's a cat wandering around the house.."

"yeah." daiki replied and walked over to get his daughter back from y/n. "he'll probably show up in a bit."

"oh come uncle daiki, i was just about to get her to say akaashi." y/n complained and watched as lana leaned her head against her father's chest.

"kaasi." lana said and akaashi just smiled and let his arm rest against the top of the sofa that was behind y/n.

"she's cute." his attention went back to y/n when she leaned her head back to rest against his arm. he paid attention to the way she even scooted a little closer to him, almost pressing her leg against his.

"our family is full of good genes, of course she's cute." she replied and looked over at lana who was standing on the floor and holding onto her father's knee to not fall over.

"you definitely have good genes." akaashi nodded and then he felt something brush against his legs. he moved his legs up on the sofa and looked down.

"what's wrong?" y/n questioned.

"the cat." he answered as the cat jumped onto the sofa and curled up next to his other leg. "he is cute too."

"i'm starting to think you think everything is cute." she said and looked over akaashi who was still looking at the cat.

"it's called being positive."

"so you think positive about everything?"

"i try to."

"that's cute."

"you think i'm cute."

"yes, i think you're cute." y/n admitted and akaashi looked away from the cat to look at her. he could feel the heat rising up his neck and he turned his head to the side to hide his blushing face. "especially when you're blushing."

"thank you." he said quietly and reached over to his bag. "i bought the book for you." he took out the paperback and handed it to her. "ignore the sticky notes in them, i was going through it for editing again."

she flipped through the book and saw colors flying at her. little square notes with his cursive written in black ink were stuck on nearly every page of the book. "heavy editing."

"yeah, there's a lot of editing needed to be done." akaashi agreed and leaned down to pick lana up when she walked over to him with her arms outstretched.

"my own child like y/n's boyfriend better than me." daiki complained to his twin who was sitting on the couch and eating chocolates.

"i would too." emika said casually and ignored the way daiki's jaw dropped in betrayal. "i've been with you since the womb, i think i've had enough."

"kenji." daiki complained when he saw his best friend. "your wife is being mean."

akaashi looked away from their interaction and looked back over to y/n. he was surprised to find her already reading his book, both of actual writing and the notes on the stickies.

"the sticky notes aren't actually that interesting." he leaned over to tell her since lana was sitting on his lap while he had a picture book open for her.

"this is the same way you feel about my art. now go read to lana so i can read this."

"as you wish, my darling." akaashi turned his head back to lana and missed the way that y/n hid her face behind the book at his last two words.

for the rest of the night it was akaashi and y/n staying on the same couch, not once moving away from each other. only to use the bathroom and y/n getting up to get a pack of sticky notes.

throughout the few hours, she moved her head to lay on akasshi's thigh to make herself more comfortable. even though akasshi's leg had gotten numb, he didn't want to tell her so she would have to move her head.

"are you guys staying the night?" kaede asked when the adults went to put the kids to sleep. her girlfriend, emi, was sitting next to kaede and drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

"i don't know.." y/n looked up at akaashi at the same time when he looked down at her. "it's all up to you."

"i'm fine with staying."

kaede didn't even bother hiding her excitement. she had been waiting years for her sister to find someone  and now that she had the perfect situation at hand she wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"oh, cool! so the only problem is every bedroom is taken so you guys are going to have to share."

"i'll take the floor." akaashi offered quickly. "you can have the bed." y/n closed the book, but didn't lift her head up.

"i'm not letting you sleep on the floor. you're a guest. you take the bed. but i do want the shower first." she stood up and pushed the book into akaashi's chest before walking up the stairs.

akaashi was about to open the book and read the sticky notes that he's saw her place, but fought against that. he would rather read them all when she finished the book instead.

"you aren't really going to sleep on the floor are you?" emi spoke up. kaede had gone upstairs, probably to talk to her sister so that left the two quietest people in the living room.

"i probably am."

"the bed is pretty big, you know." emi hinted as she stood up. "plenty of pillows, plenty of space." akaashi caught on pretty quickly.

"only if she's comfortable with it."

"i'm comfortable with it!" y/n popped her head back into the living room and gave akasshi a thumbs up. "okay! now i'm really leaving to take a shower."

akaashi couldn't help the smile growing on his face.

anyone have song suggestions for this book bc the playlist it just literally five songs right now

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