A new day

409 16 23

Happy reading.. Ignore grammatical errors ❤️

She slipped and directly fell on Valtor... Both of them shared an eyelock .....They spent some time in that position with their legs tangled and Bloom's bathrobe knot was almost free.... Soon Bloom realised what she was doing and broke their eyelock... She pushed him and got up... She wore the mask of anger and

Bloom : How dare you touch me...

Valtor : What's the problem in that... I'm your husband so I have the right to touch you....

Bloom : I've already told you that it's just a namesake marriage... There's no meaning for it...

Valtor : Don't you know how to talk with your husband dear? And about what you told me, every namesake marriage will turn into a real one one day or the other... So do ours as well...

Bloom : That's never gonna happen... I'll love Sky and only Sky till my last breath... Did you get that Mr. Villain 😏

Valtor : Ah... Let's see whether you change your word then... If you won't, I'll make you change it 😏

Bloom : In your dreams may be...

Valtor : Let's see...

With this, she went to change... Valtor too when to take a shower...


Bloom : Good morning mumma😘

Vanessa : Good morning my sweetheart 😘... I was so worried about you last night...

Bloom : Why mumma??

Vanessa : I thought he might hurt you... He is the evil sorcerer who threatened the whole magic dimension, killed a lot of innocent people, caused damages which worth millions... If I remember correctly, you said that he is the one who defeated the powerful couple of the magic dimension and the King and Queen of... ah it seems like I forgot that place...

Bloom : Domino

Vanessa : Yeah right... and separated their youngest princess from them...

Bloom : But I'm here... There's nothing to worry... And you know me... I can handle it.. So you don't have to worry... Ok?? Then smile please 😘😘

Vanessa : ☺️

Bloom : That's my mumma...

Vanessa : Did you contact any of the Winx?

Bloom : No mumma... I can't... I feel like I betrayed them... And that thought is killing me 🥺

Vanessa : Hey my baby... Don't be sad... If you explain your situation to them, they'll understand...

Bloom : Ok... I'll call them... But not now...

Vanessa : No Bloom... I think it's better to talk to them in person...

Bloom : Ohk mumma... I'll...

Vanessa : Ah I can see that you didn't sleep last night... Go and take some rest...

Bloom : No mumma... He's at my room... I'm losing my temper whenever I see him...

Vanessa : Do you think that I'll make you run into him??  I saw him going out of your room a few minutes ago... That's why I told you...

Bloom : That's anyways better for him... If I see him next time, in spite of being his wife, I'll attack him for sure😤

Vanessa : Calm down my baby... Go take some rest...

Bloom : Whoa wait... Where's dadda?? I haven't seen him today...

Vanessa : He's resting darling... It was a tiring day yesterday...

Bloom : Hmm... Let him rest...

Bloom left the kitchen and went to Mike's room... She saw him resting peacefully... She entered the room, stroked on Mike's forehead, gave him a light kiss and went to her room...

It was like achieving world peace when she didn't find Valtor at her room... Instead, she found something shining on the table... She took a closer look and recognised it as a paper... She took it and opened to find a surprisingly neat handwriting...

I'll be little late Queen B... Have to pay someone a visit though... I know you didn't sleep last night... So  sleep tight baby girl... Mwaah

She clenched her hands tightly into a fist on the last sentence... Her facial expressions changed... Her face flushed due to anger... But she was confused too...

Bloom : How come he know my pet names like Queen B and baby girl?? Not even the Winx know these names... And mumma never called me using any of these names when he was around... Then how?? And who was that someone he was referring to? 🤔🤔 Have to find out

Tadaaa.... The author is not dead.....

So that's it for today... Share your opinions about the story and suggestions through comments...

And thank you all for voting... It means a lot to me.... And you know what..... My exams are going on... So I need some time to update the next chapter.... So for getting some time, I'm going to raise my target... Don't shout on me please  😝😝

So see y'all with the next part.... Till then tataaaa 👋🏻👋🏻

Yours Sona 😘😘😘

Target — 15 + votes

A/N — Guys it seems like I forgot when was the last time I updated my story... Otherwise I would've mentioned all those people who voted.... Next time onwards, I'm gonna note those IDs which vote for my story... Ok??

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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