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It was Monday and I almost forgot about Travis' necklace but I remembered before I got to the elevator. I gently put it in my pocket and left to the elevator. I click the button and wait patiently for the doors to open. Once they did I walk in. I click the 1. Once the doors open I walk out. Todd and Larry weren't there. Huh? I shrug it off and walk to school. Once I made it I walked into the building. It was getting colder outside. I saw Larry talking to Ash. I walk up to them and said, "why didn't you and Todd wait?" Larry looked at me. "Oh, sorry! Todd has a test 1st period and wanted to be here early to study more. Sorry Sal!" I sigh. I needed to find Travis anyways. I wave to them and walk to my locker. I shove my stuff in and leave to find him. I decided to check the empty classroom.

I walk in the classroom and get hit with the smell of cigarettes. "Shit! Oh. Hey Sal." I turn and it was Travis smoking. Leaning against a desk. "Oh- Hey! You forgot your necklace at my place." I walk up to him and dig it out of my pocket. I hand it out to him and he slightly smiles. "Thanks.." He shoved it in his pocket and puffed out smoke. "Well, I should get to class. See ya, Travis." I wave to him and leave. I walk into class which I have with Todd and Neil. Then I remembered Larry said that Todd was preparing for a test. God damnit. I walk over to my usual spot and sit down. I grumble to myself and Neil sits down across from me. "You okay dude?" I nod. Todd sits down next to Neil. "Someone's nervous for the test aren't they?" I roll my eye and nod. Todd chuckled. Then the chemistry teacher walked in. Fuck life.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit down near the edge of the table. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I also didn't grab any food because I wasn't hungry. Then I noticed Travis was gone. I got up and was about to walk away but Larry stopped me. "Where are you going?" I grumble and say, "bathroom." Then walk away. I walk into the empty classroom I found Travis in earlier. He was against the corner with his head in his knees. I walk over to him and sit on my knees in front of him. I gently grab his hand and he jerks up. "Sal- what are you- Why are you here?" I look at him with concern in my eyes. "Are you okay?" He grumbles and stares at me. "I'm fine!" He quickly swats my hand away and rolls his eyes. "Why do you even care?! No one ever does!! You're probably just faking it like everyone else!! Fuck off!!" I sigh and scoot to sit across the wall next to him and I learned my head back. "I'll wait for you Travis."

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