Twenty Four

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Larry decided to come over today and Travis hasn't left my room since. I guess he still hates Larry. Which is honestly, understandable. Me and Larry were currently playing video games together. It was nice.


F: For fucks sake Travis!!! Where the hell are you!?!?!

He's been spamming me all day. He won't stop until I go home. But I know I can't.

F:Travis Phelps!! Answer me!! You fucking fag!!!

Then my phone started to ring. Of course. He called me. It was probably a bad idea, but after two rings I answered it. "You fucker. Where the hell are you?!!" I had to pull my phone away from my ear because he was so loud. "Why the hell do you care?! Besides, I'm 18 next week! Just fucking give up father!!' I was breathing fast and shakily. But I'm tired of being around him. My bruises were finally starting to heal. "You are no son to me. You're a disgrace. A fucking freak!!" Tears were pricking at the corner of my eyes. "You. Kenneth Phelps, you're a prick. I hate you." And after I said that I hung up. I shakily sat back down on Sal's bed and gizmo walked over to me and layed next to me. I covered my face with my hands and started to cry. I heard a door open and shut. "Travis! Larry's gone!" I was trying to silently stop crying but I ended up sniffling. "Travis?" Then Sal's door opened. "Travis?! What happened?" He quickly walked over to me and sat down next to me. He gently wrapped his arm around me and hugged me. We stayed like that for a while and I finally calmed down. "My father.. He uh. Called me." Sal moved and nodded. "And well, he called me a freak, a disgrace, and said I was no son to him.. So I called him a prick and hanged up." Sal sighs. "You're safe here Travis. He doesn't even know where you are. And if he really wanted to know he would ask someone from school. And, Larry even said he would help keep you away from your father. He said no one deserves to be treated that way. Even if it's someone he isn't that fond of." I slightly smile. "Thank you Sal. This is honestly.. Why I fell in love with you." Since Sal used to be comfortable with his mask off with Larry, it was off. He smiled and leaned up and kissed me. "And I fell in love with how different you are Travis." I smile and I leaned in and kissed him again.

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