Behind the Scenes: Assumptions

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Hey, everyone! I always write my stories all the way through (and lose myself in editing limbo) before posting. So, here's a little background on how Assumptions came about.

This story was first shared publicly five years ago, and I've since tidied it up but left its original voice intact. The idea stemmed from a discussion about prejudice, religion, and violence that I had with my siblings. It was quite a passionate discussion, especially when the topic veered towards homosexuality and examples were brought up that included ostracism, conversion, deprivation, and extermination.

I wanted to touch upon that topic in my story while still giving it the gravity it deserved. Since it's quite shocking, I tried to direct suspicions (if any) towards Terry, so that when the reveal came, the reader would be in the same baffled, repulsed, and uneasy shoes as Dora and Daphne. I don't know if I was successful, but it was an attempt!

And although we followed Dora, I wanted to try my hand at making the active protagonist someone other than the narrator. I chose Daphne, due to her being a member of the targeted group, and I tried to write her as a capable character who could rise above the prejudice and turn the tables by manipulating the antagonists using their own hate.

That main topic was sandwiched between the drama with Terry, where I drew some inspiration from my little cousin (who's dad was divorced and he'd introduce him as single), and I wrapped everything up with one of my rare epilogues that answered any lingering questions.

Do let me know what you thought of the story, I welcome feedback and constructive criticism!

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