Chapter Forty Seven - Finally.

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I stared at my father, cowering before me, and gasping for breath

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I stared at my father, cowering before me, and gasping for breath. Victoria and the others stood a few paces behind me, guns raised, ready to shoot if my father so much as breathed weirdly.

My grip around his sword tightened.

My father finally stopped coughing and gasping. He wiped the corner of his mouth and looked up at me. His faces was smeared with blood and ash. He grinned lethally at me.

"Why? Why did you kill mother?" I whispered, mustering up as much strength as I could. The hole I had just patched up in my stomach had reopened. The hollow feeling of loss took over me.

He simply shrugged, "Your mother is a traitor. She committed treason, and for that I took her life."

"You have no proof."

"I don't? Well, that lovely conversation you had with a couple days ago says otherwise. One of my most trusted guards was given the task to watch you three. I grew suspicious after you and your brother Kai started getting a little too close to your mother—and each other."

I sucked in a long breath through my nose. He had known everything. That damned guard...

"What about these holograms? How did you know about them?"

"I funded the company who made them."

My heart dropped into the hollow hole in my stomach.

He smiled once again, "Yes, I did pay the ransom. But I told them to keep Kai for a bit. I got all the information I needed from them. I pieced together your little gang of vigilantes well before you even stepped foot into the warehouse to retrieve Kai."

I glared at him dumbfounded. I didn't dare take my eyes off him. Although the urge to turn around and see the same shock written all over the teams faces overwhelmed me. I pushed the urge away.

"Why didn't you just kill Kai and me? Kai's gay, I'm a traitor. Why?"

He laughed, then coughed.

Once he was finished coughing all over my shoes he said, "I'm not exactly sure why I didn't end this escapade when I could. But, if I knew all this," He lazily waved his hand around the broken ballroom, "would happen, I would've ended your lives long ago."

I shook my head to clear all the negative thoughts running wild in it.

"I should have you know. I should have killed Madeline when I had the chance. I should have killed you after you failed to kill Victoria that one faithful night. I should have killed Kai the second I heard he was gay. I should have-"

He was cut off by Victoria's fist colliding with his nose. She struck him the throat and mouth and grabbed the sword out of my hands, pressing the blade up against his throat.

My father—Silas snarled at her. She smiled back at him.

"You talk to much." She whispered into his ear.

I reached forward and placed my hand on the hilt of the sword. Victoria removed her hand before stalking back to her position a few paces behind me.

"You would never do it." Silas said through a mouthful of blood.

"You're right, I could never do it because I'm not like you,"

He scoffed but I continued, "I don't kill for fun, I don't have unfair rules and lifestyles for the people who look up to me, I don't treat my family like dirt. You are a terrible person, an awful person who deserves to rot in the corner of a prison cell for the rest of your life."

His laugh echoed through the ballroom. "I may be an awful person, but your nothing more than a coward. A fool. You've got the chance to take the throne, remake Elisora into a beautiful city, and you don't take it?"

"You know, maybe I am a fool for not taking the chance to do so. But I will never, ever be like you."

I removed the sword from his throat and helped him up to his feet. We were about the same height now, so I glared at his beady eyes.

He spat onto the floor, "Nothing more than a coward. Just like the people of Elisora. Just like your mother."

That was the last straw.

I chuckled. Then proceeded to shove the sword into my father's gut. He grunted in response, falling to his knees once again. He stared up at me with sorrowful eyes. I grinned, twisting the sword in his gut. Blood drenched my hands, it dripped onto the floor.

He coughed again. He coughed up blood this time.

I pushed the sword deeper into his stomach.

I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Hopefully Hell has a very special spot for you to burn in. This for Mother, and all the lives that have been lost because of your cruelty."

I yanked the sword out, just as Victoria shot both his thighs from behind me, causing him to cry out in agony and fall forward onto the ballroom floor. His crimson blood formed a puddle underneath him, soaking his clothes and my shoes. I tossed the sword onto the floor.

I took one look at my father, the King whom people feared, who now laid on the floor of his own castle, leaking his blood all over it. I stepped out of the puddle of blood and walked out of the castle through the broken glass window. 

a/n: sorry for the wait :) have a lovely day 

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