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The two girls sit at the hot sand of the Arabian Desert, shades on their eyes as they watch the underground facility of Hydra make an explosion one more time from afar, sands splashing all over.

"Thanks again" Sen says. Wands hums, "Not yet, I need to take you to SHEILD since you have an alien in your body"

Making Sen panic, "Wait please no! You can't, w-we can't go through that again!" she says with fear expression, as the memories about Hydra and Life Foundation sufaces.

Wanda saw it and understand her, she was about to reach out on her but Venom came out in her arm, extending his area like a sheild and growls at Wanda.

Wanda gasped but calms herself, "It's okay, I-I won't turn you in to SHEILD, I understand, it's okay"

"I can feel you're afraid, but I promise I will protect you, SHEILD won't do anything you don't want them to" she says.

"You can't tell anyone" Sen says, as Wanda became quiet.
"Let's leave Sen" Venom says, "No wait! Fine I won't tell anyone!" Wanda called out.

The two made an agreement, and Wanda take her to the jet that was waiting for her. They've constructed a perfect excuse for why is Sen being held captive by Hydra.

"Wait, we don't like planes" Sen says, "It hurt us"

Wanda sigh, "It'll be fine, I'll help you"

Sen trusted Wanda as they boarded the jet that was auto piloted to go back to the tower.

Wanda help Sen with the pain, as she sends magic straight to her head, calming her and Venom down.

"It occurs to me that I didn't know your name yet" Wanda says, "Call me Sen" she replied making Wanda stop and stare at her, "Sen? Wait, you're Bucky's missing girlfriend, it is you?! Now I know why you look so familiar"

"G-girlfriend?! No no, well I wish, but I am not his girlfriend, more like a sugar baby" Sen replied, "What's the difference?" Wanda ask confused.

"Uhhh... well..." Sen doesn't know what to say making Wanda giggle, "You know the team has been looking for you"


"Yeah, especially Bucky, he's really worried about you, you know, he's been beating himself since you went missing" Wanda says sadly, Sen gasped, "Bucky! Is he okay?"

"Oh he became worst, but I have a feeling that everything will be alright now that I found you" Wanda says, "About that, I-I don't know if I can face Bucky right now" Sen says nervously, "You know it's been, I don't know how long—" "Two months" "Two months, after two months, I don't know how, I mean our relationship isn't that serious, we've just been talking over the phone and met like a day and—"

"You're mumbling Sen, stop it"
"Sorry" she whispers shyly, "I don't think we're that serious..."

"Well I can assure you that Bucky is serious enough to you" Wanda says smiling sweetly, "And good timing we're heading straight to the tower"

Sen took a sharp breath, nervous about not only meeting the Avengers but also facing Bucky. "You promise right?" Sen ask looking at Wanda, "I promise" she whisper softly.

Moment later, Sen was able to fall asleep and Wanda didn't bother waking her up when they reach the tower.
When she walk out of the jet, Wanda was greeted by the team, except Bucky, who's probably locked up in his room again.

Vision was the first one to walk to her and give her a hug, then Natasha.
"How was it?" Steve ask, "It went fine, even better. You guys won't believe who did I just rescued from there" Wanda says smiling excitedly, as the others look at her confused, "Sen"

The moment Wanda says that, they all rushed inside the jet to see a sleeping girl on the seats, Wanda's jacket draped at her, "She is... But why is she being held captive by HYDRA?" Natasha ask in confusion, "It turns out, they needed information on her about the Creator" Wanda answered, which leads more confusion to the group.

"Let's just ask her later, she needs to take a rest. She's been through a lot" Steve says, "Let's move her to the med bay" Bruce suggests as Steve went to Sen and about to scoop her in his arms, but Wanda suddenly yelled, "Wait!" making everyone stop and look at her.

Wanda froze unsure on what to do. She hears Venom growls when Steve was about to touch Sen, so she panicked and shout, "Uhhhh, careful. She's really sensitive when it come to strangers touching her"

Steve just nod and gently scoop her up, Venom just growls but he knows, Captain America is a good person so he didn't do anything but growl.

Look at him, being matured.

After Steve put down Sen on a bed, Wanda also take a rest on a bed beside Sen in the med bay, so she can monitor her when they run diagnostics.

Bruce didn't see anything, and said she only needs rest and maybe food, making Wanda sighed in relief.
After Bruce check on her, she goes to her room and take a quick shower before going back to the med bay, but stopped when she saw Steve, Sam, Clint and Natasha was standing right outide of it.

"So, who's gonna tell Bucky?" Clint ask, "I think Steve should do it" Sam says, "I-I could do it, sure" Steve was about to go but cut off by Tony's voice that rang around the tower.

"Ehem, Sergeant Barnes! Paging Bucky Barnes, our sugar daddy! We found your missing sugar baby and she's currently on med bay. Bepbopp"

"Well, Tony just beat you to it"

Sugar Daddy | B. Barnes ☆Where stories live. Discover now