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"This is serious" Venom says at Sen's mind, "I don't think it will work"

"I-I don't know V" Sen whispers since Bucky is currently in the shower.
"Hate to burst your bubble, but I know that you want to stay and keep your relationship with that... guy, but aren't things going a little too fast?"

Sen hums, "I know I know, it is weird but I want to believe it will work out"

"Work out? You two meet each other under under texting, and only met face to face one time, ONE TIME SEN, then poof, you gone for months and still think that guy harbors real feelings?"

"What do you even know about relationships and romance anyway?" Sen frowns at Venom's way of talking as if he's been on a romantic relationship many times.

"I have live long enough, too long than you think"

"Okay?.. Poor justification"

"I think both of you are just confused"

Sen didn't say anything and just looked around in their new apartment.

"I don't want you to be hurt, even though you're a bitch"

"I know... I know you parasite"

== Bucky's Room: Days after the movie night ==

Bucky walk out of the bathroom with fresh clothes on and smiled at Sen who's chomping down another bar of chocolate.
"Where are we going again?" Sen ask, since Bucky told her to dress up for they are going out.

"To look for an apartment" Bucky casually answers, "Wait, I thought you're just joking about that?" Sen frowns in confusion.

Bucky just smiled at her.

Venom dramatically gasped, "This is bad"

"I actually saw a good one just near the tower, and I made an appointment to see it" Bucky explains.

"Hhm, seems suspicious to me. Don't come!"

"And after that, I already booked a reservation at Geries Eat All You Can"

"Okay maybe just this day I will tolerate such suspicious behavior"

== The Apartment: Present ==

It was a fancy apartment yet still felt cozy for the sugar couple, a great place to start their life as two although doubt still lingers in Sen's mind.
It has two bed rooms, a massive living room and kitchen, as well as a bathroom, and a terrace, with complete furniture and appliances.

"Enough talking about him" Venom chimes, "I'm hungy"

Sen frowns at this, "Aren't we eating already?"
She was talking about the chocolate pie she brought at the cafe in front of the apartment building, along with a box of large pizza and chocolate shake.

"I'm getting tired of chocolate" she subconsciously murmur.

"I mean I want brains!"

"You got chocolates, it's the same"

"Not enough" Venom demanded, "Besides I miss chasing bad guys"

Sen rolled her eyes, then looked at the date on her phone, "Fine, tonight."
Venom's happily cheered in her mind, "Bucky won't be home tonight since he's on a mission so I think it'll be fine, but you'll do it far from here"

Venom hums, "Mission my ass, I bet he's cheating! He's actually already married and has children, and when you found out the hurtful truth, it'll be too late cause you're pregnant at that time, then his mistress—wait no you're his mistress here!"

"Starting now, you're ban on watching telenovelas" she was flabbergasted at Venom's statement, well Bucky wouldn't... right?

"You know," Sen smirks on her thoughts, "I kind of feels like you're just jealous that I have a boyfriend now since my attention won't be always on you"

Venom dramatically gasped, "I can't even comprehend how you get into that conclusion"

Sen raised her brows,
"I'll pretend I didn't hear you say that"

"And I'll pretend that you're not in denial" Sen chuckle as she tease the symbiote who she grown attached to after years of being together.

That night, Sen was standing at the balcony and Venom enveloped her being and took control. That gigantic black blob excitedly jump out of the balcony and swing his way to their goal– looking for a bad guy to eat their brains.

"See how you're kind of similar to a zombie?" Sen attempt to do small talk since she doesn't want to see the sight being up in the air.

"Zombies eat flesh not brains"

"No, cause you're both a parasite"

"That didn't make any sense, you have a terrible sense of humor"

"Okay, I'll shut up"

"Don't even think I ignore the fact that you called me parasite again bitch"

Through Venom's sensitive hearing, a faint sceam for help caught his attention. "Aha! Bad guy!"

Following the sound, Venom's gigantic frame swing and landed with a heavy thump, getting the attention of the two present human being.

A beautiful blonde girl and a man who looks like on drugs.

They both look up, staring at Venom with shock and terrified expression.
"Lethal Protector is here"

Then black tentacle suddenly wrapped around the man and pull him away from the girl, "Hello bad guy, having fun?" Venom ask grinning widely, as the man whimpers in fear looking at the misty white eyes of Venom along with the long and sharp pointy teeth of him.

Terrified scream broke out of the girl's throat as she desperately run away from the scene. It took words from Sen to not hurt the girl for her scream kind of hurt Venom. They just watch the girl run away until she's out of sight, then Venom looked back at the man.
"It's my time to have fun" he grinned at the man who looks pale and about to pass out.

"Why don't we have a taste test first hm?"
Long slimy tongue brushed along the man's face, "It's... salty—hm?"

Venom looked at the wet pants of the man, "The hell?!" Sen exclaimed.

"Ew disgusting!" Vemon grimaced then looked at the man with disappointed expression but shrug it off since food is food, "Oh well"

Venom's mouth expanded—

"Your friendly neighborhood Spid—"

–chomping out the man's head off completely.

"–HoLy Shii–"

Venom threw the headless body away then stare at the new arrival. A man, no he sounds like a teenager, a boy wearing a suit that is familiar on the symbiote duo.

"Oh shit, it's Peter Parker" Sen cursed.

"Dusty boy!" Venom exclaimed in familiarization of the Spiderman.

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