5| i'd break up with you

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"COACH, I HAVE A PROPOSAL," Averman began as the team filed into the change room that afternoon after hockey practice. He adjusted his glasses as he pinched his glove under his armpit.

The man rolled his eyes as he peered up from his clip board, seeing a patiently waiting hockey player. "Don't you have a thing for that girl on the soccer team?" Orion questioned, totally ignoring his statement, "Nova! What's her name?"

Before she could even speak, Averman turned to her, narrowing his eyes. "Don't you dare, Nov."

The girl grinned as her face revealed from the towel she had been wiping it with. "Are we talking about Averman's fat crush on Dixon James?"

Orion snapped his fingers, "yes! Her!" He looked at Averman with a sarcastic smile before letting his expression drop, "Go propose to her instead."

Averman stared at him blankly, rolling his eyes. "Not that kind of proposal."

"Yeah," Charlie snorted a laugh, joining into the conversation. His arm draped over Averman's shoulder, "besides, he can't even get her to have a proper conversation with him, how'll he get her to say yes to a proposal?"

"She's had a proper conversation with me!"

"Like once."

"Four times actually."

Charlie gave him a pointed look, "it doesn't count if she tells you to go away."

A beat passed for a moment, a heavy sigh coming out of the redheaded boy's lips. He adjusted his glasses as he rolled his eyes again, "okay so twice — but we're not talking about Dixon right now!"

"You've liked her since freshman year, dude," Adam Banks chimed, ruffling his hand through his sweaty, blond hair. He looked down at Averman, "why doesn't Charlie set you up? She's good friends with Hayden, isn't she?"

"I've tried," Charlie deadpanned, "she hates him."

Adam shrugged, "Nova hated me."

At that, November Collins contorted her face, looking up at her boyfriend with a confused look. "No, I didn't?" She remarked, trying to mentally think back at all the years they've known each other.

"We'll you ran away to England so..." Guy snarked; making her shoot him a glare.

"I did not run away," she scoffed, "you will never let us live that down, will you?"

Charlie, Guy, and Averman all exchanged a look for a moment before nodding together, almost robotically, "Never."

November sneered at them, crossing her arms over her chest. Just as she were to get a word out, probably a foul insult or something, Adam Banks wrapped his arms around her, gently covering her face with his big hands. He pulled the girl to lean back into his bear chest before slowly petting her hair. "Darling, don't say anything you'll regret."

"Get your hand off my face, Adam," she mumbled into his palm in a low growl.

The boy shook his head, slowly leading her back towards the benches where their stuff sat disregarded. "No, I don't think I will."

The laugh of Connie Moreau chimed from beside them. She had already been finished changing, packing up her stuff in her bag before slinging it around her shoulder. Her hair seemed almost perfectly straight as if she hadn't just had a two hour practice after a long day of school. Playfully, she wagged her finger around, pointing between the couple. "This is why she hates you."

"I don't hate him!"

"Yeah," Guy snorted, "and Averman isn't in love with Dixon James."

Averman shot him an offended look. "Averman isn't in love with Dixon James." He re-stated, though his statement, unlike Guy's, lacked the sarcasm.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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