Chapter Forty-Three

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    Varian woke her just before dusk. She awoke languidly, feeling the weight of slumber like a pressing blanket incapable of lifting. She moaned groggily her eyes struggling against the heaviness of sleep.

            "Wake, Lily," Varian commanded softly, shaking her with a firm hand.

            Her eyes blinked open and immediately her senses tuned to the shifting of the sun as it hovered in the dawning twilight sky.

            She pushed herself up in the bed and peered sleepily at Varian.

            "Get dressed."

            Pushing strands of tousled hair from her face, she leaned forward to grab the sweater she'd tossed in her sleep.

            Pulling it on she asked, "What are we doing?"

            Already dressed and highly alert, Varian stepped towards the door, listening, "We're leaving."

            She paused in her attempt to pull her sweater all the way down as her eyes drew to where he stood rigidly, "What of Ruby? Jackson?" she asked, alarmed.

            "They're coming." He said assuredly.

            Her heart accelerating some, she threw the covers aside and stood. "Where will we go?"
            His eyes met hers and he smiled sweetly, "Romania."

            She gasped lightly and when she opened her mouth to respond a subtle tapping came at their door.

            Varian opened it cautiously to a pensive Talon on the other side, "The halls are empty and the hour is good. If you're going, go now. Ruby and Jackson wait at the end of the hall."

            Varian nodded gravely and extended a hand to Lily. As they slipped from the room, Lily paused before Talon, "You're not coming?"

            He smiled warmly, "I will meet you in Romania." He squeezed her hand reassuringly and released it.

            Varian swept her close and they slipped through the hall to where Ruby and Jackson waited.

            Lily gasped and halted, "What of my father?"

            Varian whirled almost angrily, his expression agape, "You cannot be serious?"

            She frowned at him, "Of course I am."

            Ruby stepped forward, shaking her head, "Lily, no."

            "Because of him you are in this mess." Jackson exclaimed.

            "I would never forgive myself if I left him." She beseeched.

            Varian grasped her arm gently, "He has done this to himself. We're leaving." He tugged her along and as they escaped into the dark she knew Ward McDermott was now a thing of the past.

Bucharest, Romania

3 weeks later

            She felt a breeze and was immediately drawn to it, instinctively her hands moving to the roundedness of her belly.

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