Chapter Thirty

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    Lily pulled away from Varian somewhat shame-faced for weeping thoughtlessly like a woman with feeble restraint on her emotions. She needed to keep her wits about her.

            Wiping the last of her tears, she lifted her chin and met Varian's deep, intense stare. "Can I see her?"


            Her anger flared and she narrowed her eyes on him, "I'll do it one way or another."

            "Then you will become dinner."

            Her heart skipped fearfully at the thought, but she was not deterred, "Does it matter? I'm fated to become the undead nonetheless."

            She can see the frustration gathering within him as he inhaled a deep breath, "She's dangerous, Lily. She may or may not remember you, aside from that she's suffering from an unbelievable thirst that will overrule any trace of humanity left in her. She will not think twice about ripping your throat out."

            She flinched at the latter of his words, "Did you not plan to do the same to me?"


            He stiffened, his jaw tightening.

            "Please, Varian."

            His heart squeezed and he knew he couldn't deny her anything-besides, he put her through hell the last couple nights, he owed her that much.

            He extended a hand to her and she placed her smaller one trustingly in his. "I will not leave you alone with her." He said sternly and she nodded.

            When they left the room and didn't start for the stairs, Lily paused, "I thought your friend took her upstairs?"

            He shook his head, "I had her moved to the basement."

            A chill hurried through her as he tugged her toward the basement door. "Why is she down there?"

            "You'll see."

            He opened a door that led to a straight shot of stone stairs that gave way to a cemented floor.


            She could see nothing when they reached the bottom and wrapped her arms around her body against the chill of the room. Varian suddenly left her side and she went still, afraid to move, uncertain of what lay ahead of them.

            The light was so abrupt that for a moment she clenched her eyes against it but with the light came a sudden, fierce rustling.

            Her eyes opened and then widened in horror.

            Ruby was confined to what almost appeared like a jail-cell but the second she lunged for the bars, smoke and an ominous sizzling emanated from the fingers wrapped tightly around them. Her friend gave a pained shriek and jolted away, whimpering in the corner as she cradled her severely burned hands.

            She could feel fresh tears burning in her throat as she stepped toward the cell, her eyes searching for any remnants of Ruby Carmichael.

            Her clothes were tattered around her neck, a trace of dry blood coating the front of her shirt but as Lily stepped closer to better observe her throat, she detected no signs of bite marks.

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