Chapter Forty-Six

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        Kirov bounded from the trees in sheer feral form, his sheen coat of fur glistening beneath the illuminating moon as he all but unleashed his unbridled temperament and wolfish brawn upon the unsuspecting dead, and he wasn't alone.

            Another followed promptly at his flanks, this wolf far formidable in size and vicious in his attack as he severed Rogues with merely the savage vise of his canines.

            Their violent growls bespoke of their untamed nature as they rendered the night, resounding sharply through the trees. They set their ferocious jowls to shredding Rogues one by one, never faltering. Other wolves had come, some smaller than Kirov and his larger ally, but deadly nonetheless as they cast a carnage of mangled bodies.

            Varian suppressed a grin. The dog had proved true to his word.

            He left the wolves to their ruthless slaughter and focused on the elder in his line of sight.

            He would end this now and lunged for Seve, a guttural growl rising from his throat as his eyes glazed over with red.

            Their eyes caught and he was struck midair to the chest by an unseen blow and it sent him reeling. The dirt all but exploded once he made impact, rolling amidst the bloodied and gritty terrain.

            Varian launched to his feet, bracing for another powerful blast. And with his eyes blazing that fiery glow, the dust cleared and produced the ethereal one.

            Pearly glinted pleasantly as she all but drifted elegantly over the undisturbed earth, raising pale, childlike hands as a wicked grin curved her rose colored lips.

            Varian straightened, eyeing the beautiful elder as she stalked closer, those silken skirts rippling about her dainty ankles.

            If a human looked upon her they would see a fragile and delicate thing, but Varian knew otherwise. That angelic face concealed a great capacity of monstrosity veiled over with porcelain beauty.

            He often wondered if that pale, untouchable skin would crack like the porcelain she so resembled.

            He braced his soles against the solid ground beneath him, all the while watching her earnestly as she inched closer, those crystal eyes brightening of the electric current within.

            She splayed her fingers wide as if gathering a fire from the deep recesses of the earth's core, turning her wrists skyward.

            Varian waited for her thunderous impact. He felt the magnitude of her power, rising, stroking his face like the hottest of embers. It hastened over him, tingling at first, growing hotter until it singed.

            His fangs lengthened against the suddenness of a scorching as it intensified with every delicate stroke of her fingers, maneuvered by every subtle twist of those wrists.

            She merely smirked at him as she weaved her fire and the more she spun those fingers, the fiercer it burned, magnifying vastly to a crippling, unforgiving flame. It spread through his veins like hot-white liquid, searing an unimaginable path.

            He hissed beneath its fiery agony and felt his legs give way beneath him.

            Pearly stepped toward him, her little hand suspended between them as a fire reflected in her vacant stare.

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